Black Corporation: Joseon-Chapter 322

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Episode 322 Hero? New demon? (5)

When the boy with the pigtails, who had not yet had his coming-of-age ceremony, raised his voice to be let into the research institute, the gatekeeper guarding Gwanghwamun looked embarrassed.

“Look, master. Do you know where this is? This is Gwanghwamun, the main gate of Gyeongbokgung Palace, where His Majesty the Prime Minister resides. This is a place where you can get in big trouble if you talk nonsense. “Hey, let’s go back.”

When the guard told him to go back, Kim Dam took out a bundle of papers from the baggage the servant was carrying and held them out.

“Let’s come to a solution to the problems raised by the research institute! And this is a letter of recommendation! “The talent the crown prince wants has found himself, so please let him in!”

“Well… .”

When the gatekeeper was unable to respond to Kim Dam’s bold answer, the gatekeeper, who saw this, stepped forward.

“Look, master. “What are we going to do if they make such a fuss in front of Gyeongbokgung Palace, where His Majesty the Prime Minister resides?”

“Isn’t there an uproar because a talented person has come to the research center to solve a problem that was posed to save people, but is blocking this? “Please let me in right now!”

“her… .”

The gatekeeper also looked at a loss at Kim Dam’s remarks. I wanted to kick him in the face and kick him out, but I couldn’t because he mentioned a research institute. This was because I was afraid of the consequences if the research center really needed talent.

No matter what anyone says, the research institute and Area 51 were institutions directly under the Crown Prince.

However, I couldn’t let them in. The palace was not a place where just anyone could come and go.

“What should I do about this…?” .”

The gatekeeper, who was struggling to find an answer, looked at the bundle of paper that Kim Dam was holding and came to a conclusion.

“The governor said he was a talented person to work at the research institute, so he asked me to let him in, but no one can enter the palace. However, things may change once the results come out from the lab. “Did you say that the stack of paper was the solution to the problem?”


“Give it here.” I’ll take it to the lab. “Can you wait quietly next to me until the lab comes out with a decision?”

To the gatekeeper’s question, Kim Dam answered by savoring his appetite.

“It may seem like a formality, but I will follow your advice.”

“Then give me the solution and a letter of recommendation.”

“Here it is.”

The gatekeeper, who received a thick wad of paper and a letter of recommendation from Dam Kim, opened the wad of paper and immediately folded it to look at the contents just in case.

This was because the numbers and symbols filled with paper made my eyes dizzy.

The gatekeeper folded the wad of paper again and smiled bitterly after looking at the letter of recommendation. On the outside of the envelope containing the letter of recommendation, ‘Letter of Self-Recommendation’ was written in large letters.

‘Indeed, distribution alone would be the best in the world!’

The gatekeeper said to Kim Dam, suppressing the laughter that was slowly leaking out.

“I’ll report it to the lab, so wait here.”

“I understand.”

* * *

When the gatekeeper, holding Kim Dam’s workbook and self-recommendation in his hand, entered, the ministers who had finished the morning meeting were heading toward Gwanghwamun.

When the gatekeeper saw the ministers and politely bowed to them, the ministers responded lightly and asked questions while looking at the wad of paper in the gatekeeper’s hand.

“Who else came with an appeal?”

“no. “There is a spirit who came to visit us asking to join the research institute.”


“I praised myself as a talent that was absolutely necessary for the research institute, but… . “It will be up to the research institute to decide.”

The ministers nodded at the gatekeeper’s words.

“I guess so. You’re insulting me. Good luck.”

“Thank you.”

The gatekeeper bowed again and walked hurriedly toward the East Palace.

The ministers who were watching the back of the gatekeeper heading toward the East Palace clicked their tongues and grumbled.

“What kind of crazy person would go to such lengths to enter a devil’s cave like that…?” .”

“That’s right. Friends who seemed fine in the past are now all crazy about numbers… . Tsk tsk tsk!”

“Everyone was talented… .”

The ministers who crossed the threshold of Gwanghwamun while grumbling saw Kim Dam standing on one side.

“I guess it’s that boy.”

“Huh, at such a young age that I haven’t even had any formal rites yet… .”

While the ministers took turns clicking their tongues at the sight of Kim Dam looking at them wearing a robe, Kim Jeom walked towards Kim Dam.

“Are you the one who made the gatekeeper move?”

“That’s right.”

“Huh. “It seems like we haven’t even done the customs yet. Wouldn’t it be better to go through the customs first and then challenge the past?”

Kim Dam answered firmly to Kim Jeom’s advice.

“It is called a water-saving device. “A good opportunity has come, but shouldn’t we just let it go and miss it?”

In response to Kim Dam’s consistent response, Kim Jeom looked at Kim Dam again.

‘The eyes are full of gun energy, so it looks like a talented person… .’

“There’s something I’d like to ask my young master. Would you mind answering?”

“Please ask. “If there is an answer I can give, I will give it a try.”

“Then, if we look at the university’s reception section… .”

Kim Jeom took out several passages from the Four Books and Five Classics and asked Kim Dam.

Seeing Kim Dam answering without hesitation every time he asked a question, Kim Jeom took the financial report that was being held by a subordinate who was following him and opened it.

“Now, let’s calculate the deposit and disbursement of this part.”

In response to Kim Jeom’s request while covering the answer with his finger, Kim Dam looked at the numbers written on the table, did some mental calculations by snapping his fingers, and gave the answer right away.


After checking Kim Dam’s answer and the actual answer, Kim Jeom let out an exclamation without realizing it.

‘That’s correct! Even senior officials at the Ministry of Finance and Economy could solve something that had to be reexamined several times with a lot of reasoning, using mental arithmetic! ‘He’s a genius!’

After seeing Kim Dam’s genius, Kim Jeom started to become greedy.

“So, what kind of person is Chief Chun?”

“I am now here as the head of Yeongju.”

“okay? Then you could have submitted it in writing, but why did you come all the way to Hanseong in person?”

“That is… .”

Kim Dam, who had been answering confidently until now, hesitated, and Kim Jeom was secretly happy.

‘Is that right! You’re running away from home! ‘It’s a good fortune!’

Kim Jeom began to gently coax Kim Dam with a subtle expression and voice.

“I have a suggestion for you.”

“Do you have a suggestion?”

“Okay, why don’t you come to the Ministry of Finance and Economy instead of the research institute? I’ll select you as a special recruit. The Ministry of Finance and Economy is also a place where industry and academia are important, so you will be able to show off your talents to your heart’s content. And, since it deals with the country’s most important state affairs, finances, it is an important position among important positions. How much would Manager Chun like it if he worked in the Ministry of Finance and Economy? “How great is it to be able to show off your talents and be filial?”

“I like to seek the truth hidden in industry and academia rather than just making calculations.”

“haha! That’s important too. But isn’t it really important to thoroughly manage the country’s finances? What is it like? “How long until the customs?”

“It’s February next year.”

Kim Jeom’s face brightened even more at Kim Dam’s answer.

“Not much time left! First, go back. I’ll go back and go through the formalities, and when I come up, I’ll give you a special offer right away! “How is it?”

“But, I…” .”

“I guess it still came up secretly?”

“… .”

When Kim Dam couldn’t answer, Kim Jeom started throwing bait again.

“After all, what is the best act of filial piety? It’s about putting parents’ minds at ease… .”

“All the way there!”

Hearing the sudden shout, Kim Jeom closed his mouth and looked towards the place where the sound came from. There, Jeong Cho was glaring at him with a red face.

“Thank you! Do you know what the most insulting thing in the world is? This is secretly stealing something that belongs to someone else! A gentleman should not do such a thing, nor should he even think about doing it!”

“It hasn’t even been stamped yet, so what kind of interception are you doing?”

Jeong Cho, who walked up to Kim Jeom’s joke, pulled Kim Dam towards him and spoke to her.

“It’s stamped! Are you okay?”

“Tsk… . If you change your mind, come visit me at any time. “The door of the Ministry of Finance and Economy is always wide open.”


At the New Year’s shout, Kim Jeom immediately turned around and disappeared into the Ministry of Finance and Economy building.

“No matter what, I’m greedy… . Tsk!”

Jeong Cho clicked his tongue and looked back at Kim Dam.

“Are you the one who wrote down the answer and submitted it?”

“That’s right. “My name is Kim Dam from Yeongju.”

“Nice to meet you. “Follow me.”


Jeong Cho took Kim Dam to the research center located in the East Palace.

* * *

When Kim Dam arrived at the lab, it was the lab’s researchers, including Hyang, who greeted him.

“You are the crown prince.”

At the introduction of the New Year, Kim Dam immediately prostrated himself and bowed deeply. freёweɓ

After the simple meeting ceremony, Hyang went straight to the main topic.

“I have checked the solution to the problem you submitted. Among the five problems, three had correct and correct answers, one had both the correct solution and the answer wrong, and only one had the correct solution but the answer was wrong. “Let me check.”

At Hyang’s gesture, the eunuch returned the bundle of paper she had submitted to Kim Dam. On the stack of paper, errors were pointed out in red letters.

Kim Dam, who was looking at the points and making calculations, looked back at the scent.

“I think the solution’s point is incorrect.”

“What I pointed out is wrong?”


“Chief Manager Lee.”


In response to Hyang’s call, Sunji Lee responded with heavy breathing and stepped forward.

For a long time after that, Lee Soon-ji and Kim Dam debated the problem and solution in a heated voice.

Jeong Cho, who was watching this, looked back at the village with a happy face.

“It looks like some pretty good talent has arrived.”

Hyang smiled and nodded at New Year’s words.

“I think so.”

Jeong In-ji, who was listening to the conversation between the two people next to her, muttered to herself.

‘Isn’t it not a talented person, but another person just like this manager?’

Meanwhile, the heated debate ended.

“I guess I was wrong. Thank you for pointing this out.”

“It’s a mistake that happens as soon as your mindset becomes relaxed. Therefore, you must always have a strong mindset when looking for solutions.”

“Thank you for your profound teachings.”

Kim Dam, who expressed gratitude to Lee Soon-ji, bowed his head to Hyang.

“Please forgive me for being rude to you.”

“It’s okay.”

“Then is it happiness for small people?”

In response to Kim Dam’s question, Hyang slightly smiled and shook her head.

“He is the top among those who have passed so far.”

Kim Dam’s face brightened at Hyang’s words. Kim Dam, with a big smile, hurriedly bowed deeply to Hyang.

“I am devastated! “I will serve with all my heart!”

Hyang corrected one fact in Kim Dam’s words.

“I’m not going to start working right away. “First of all, you need to get an education.”

“What if you say education?”

“If you learn and pass a higher level of industry and academia, you will be put to work.”

Kim Dam’s face brightened even more when he heard the words ‘a higher level of industry and academia’.

“I will do my best!”

“Then, first, take Manager Lee on a tour of the lab’s facilities. “In the meantime, I have to write a certificate of acceptance.”


At Hyang’s command, Kim Dam got excited and followed behind Lee Soon-ji. After sending Kim Dam out, Hyang looked back on the beginning of the New Year.

“No matter how you look at it, it looks like you’re running away from home, right?”

“I think so.”

“I guess I’ll have to write the certificate of acceptance myself. “If only I could get scolded less.”

“That’s probably the best.”

* * *

Meanwhile, Kim Dam, who was following Sunji Lee to see various parts of the laboratory, continued to ask exclamations and questions.

“Wow! “What is the principle of this object?”

“What is the formula that serves as the principle of a pressure gauge?”

Every time Kim Dam asked a question, Lee Soon-ji answered without hesitation.

“The principle of this is… To express it in a formula… .”

While explaining this to Kim Dam, Sunji Lee opened the door to the last room.

“This is where we are putting the most effort right now.”


This 𝓬ontent is taken from freeweɓnovel.cѳm.

Dam Kim was filled with joy without realizing it and let out an exclamation at the view inside the room.

There was a large blackboard from end to end on one wall of the room, which was made up of two large rooms, and there were all kinds of formulas written on it.

Kim Dam, who was looking at the formulas as if fascinated, looked back at Lee Soon-ji.

“What are you calculating?”

“These are the formulas for designing a bridge over a river.”

“Do you mean legs?”

“okay. A stone bridge or a moon bridge cannot be built over a large river. So I’m thinking of building a bridge using rebar and plaster. Those formulas are the calculations necessary for its success. If this formula is completed properly, bridges can be built on all of Joseon’s famous major rivers, including the Han River. That is our lab’s goal now. “If you successfully complete your training, you will be put to work on this job right away.”

Kim Dam immediately responded to Lee Soon-ji’s words.

“I will do my best!”

* * *

Author’s words.


This is Gukppong, who writes ‘Black Enterprise Chosun’.

I have to apologize again.

My sister’s condition has worsened again. Therefore, you have to go to the hospital at any time and wait.

Therefore, we will try to maintain weekday serialization as much as possible, but weekend serialization will likely be irregular for the time being.

We apologize for any inconvenience caused to our readers.

I will do my best no matter what.

Gukppong Dream.