BIOLOGICAL SUPERCOMPUTER SYSTEM-Chapter 992: Storming the Northern Gate

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Chapter 992: Storming the Northern Gate

Heart thumping in time with his steps, Erik raced through the half-empty streets of New Alexandria.

The broadcast had done its job, drawing the blackguards away from Richard. Erik now, though, has a far more pressing and lethal problem.

A queue of at least a hundred blackguards stood in his way of the northern gate. Erik was pumping mana through his neural links and using his Force Bastion brain crystal power to keep his speed and defense on par with the number of enemies in front of him.

The first wave of blackguards kept firing at him with brain-crystal rifles. Erik charged them. This kind of fight was almost the same every time it happened, to the point that Erik started feeling embarrassed on the blackguards' behalf.

The blackguards fired at him, and he avoided the shots. Though it looked like they were starting to understand that the rifles couldn't hit him. If they really wanted to have a chance against him, they needed to start using brain crystal powers again, those they were so eager to abandon for some metal scraps.

However, it looked like this time they understood the assignment, because that was what they did.

Not only that, but they also started sending people with two brain crystal powers at him. <It looked like they learned their lesson back at the prison.>

Back there, there weren't people with two powers. Most likely because the blackguards' higher-ups thought a great number of people might have been enough to defeat him. But, of course, they were mistaken.

Sebastian reached the first group of blackguards. When he struck, the enhanced blow sent the first blackguard hurtling into a wall close by.

Another sprang at him from the side, but Erik dodged, turned, and delivered an uppercut that crushed his opponent's head in an instant.

Now that he was in melee range, Attacking him would be complicated for the blackguards, unless they wanted to kill their comrades, but it was insanely easy for him since he could simply spawn attacks left and right.

Then, Erik channeled mana into Volkov's brain crystal power's neural links. They were few, of course, but despite this, it was still a powerful ability.

The air hummed with electricity. With lightning twirling between his fingers, he pushed his hand ahead.

A group of blackguards were struck by an arcing lightning bolt that sent them reeling to the ground.

There was an ozone and burned flesh smell, and some blackguards even crapped themselves. More blackguards surrounded him, but Erik would not let that trouble him.

He leaped and landed with a Force Bastion-powered kick that broke the pavement and caused shockwaves to ripple outward, knocking down multiple opponents.

Erik struck another lightning, killing more of his opponents.


Energy flooded through him. That has been by far the easiest way for him to earn experience points.

The blackguards were strong, and they gave plenty of such points, most likely because they possessed a ton of mana, and that was exactly what experience was.

Just Mana called in such a way that would make him comfortable with the system. ƒгeewebnovё

At least that was what the biological supercomputer said to him.

Erik felt a sudden, sharp feeling as a blade glanced off his protective armor. The impact startled him, but the armor held firm and prevented the blade from cutting into his flesh.

"Fuck... I need to be careful."

With a backhand blow that sent the attacker sprawling, he spun around.

While seeking a hole in his armor, a blackguard brandished a spear and charged at him.

Erik leant aside, seized the spear's shaft, and swung lightning through it. The blackguard got burned to a crisp and fell dead to the ground.

Undeterred, the young man threw the spear down and continued moving forward.

The battle raged on, vicious and seemingly never-ending, clashing steel and cries of agony were all that could be heard around.

Erik applied every trick he knew, drawing upon every ounce of his power and skill.

Using powers to deflect approaching projectiles, he weaved and dodged through the enemy ranks with superhuman speed and struck with devastating force, while the blackguards suffered from every single attack Erik made.

Thanks to his earlier leveling up, his mana was full again. Honestly, if it hadn't been for this feature, Erik would have had to retreat a long time ago.

Even at the prison. Richard would have still been there at that point. Maybe he could have died if it wasn't for it.

That was the most cheating ability he had, because it could make him fight for a long time, as if his mana were endless.

Erik could not afford to stop. The weight of the enemy numbers dropped with every blackguard that fell, but there was still no other level up.

Eventually, though, the last of his opponents died, though Erik had some trouble.


"F-fuck... This was... not simple..."

After each level-up, the number of experience points required to get to the next level increased, meaning that they became harder to get.

"I need to find a solution for this."

The Force Bastion armor shook and shimmered around him for a moment, its embrace

beginning to fade as the mana pumped into it decreased.

Erik needed to save as much mana as possible, because nothing ensured he would level up at

each fight.

He needed to use another strategy until he reached the Chimaeric Demons.

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He glanced around and looked at the bodies on the ground.

"I wonder what the blackguards are thinking right now."

Erik moved over the dead bodies with a flat look and started running. However, something weird happened. Weird, indeed, but very good.

Another kind of energy was in the air. It was coming from rage, exhaustion, and desperation.

Around him, yells and sounds of fighting started spreading, but it wasn't just the sound of soldiers and blackguards this time.

<What the hell?>

It looked like the blackguards, and Volkov's soldiers started fighting against someone.