BIOLOGICAL SUPERCOMPUTER SYSTEM-Chapter 960: When demons strike

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Chapter 960: When demons strike

The rhythmic crunch of Erik's boots on the broken asphalt was the only sound that broke the silence of the surroundings.

He and his team members, Shatterfist, Missing Air, and Brute Ape, were patrolling an area near the place where the rebels were carrying out their attack.

Of course, Erik knew that was going to happen, and that was why he decided to carry out the attack that day.

The man was nervous, but not because he didn't have faith in the plan June came up with, but because he was itching to get into action.

But he had to wait since these were the most important parts of the game, the times the blackguard soldiers got their orders. The orders to join in the defense.

"Those rebels are getting too problematic," Brute Ape said. "The other day, they nearly blew up the weapons depot in Sector 8."

"They got lucky. Our security was lacking at that depot. The higher-ups should have been aware of the weak points."

Shatterfist nodded. "Regardless of how they managed it, they inflicted heavy casualties on Volkov's forces." The man paused. "What about the attack on the northern district? Have you heard about it?"

"Yes. I still don't understand why they needed to target a food deposit this time."

"They couldn't get it, so they burned it in retaliation," Brute Ape said. "It's a typical rebel tactic nowadays. Hit and run. They don't stand a chance in a head-on fight against us, and they don't have that many troops to begin with, and they resort to cowardly tactics for this reason." freewebnøvel.coɱ

"That may be. But regardless, we must remain on guard. They have been mounting more coordinated attacks, and I don't like the situation at all." He paused, scanning the surrounding area. "Let's continue our patrol. We-"

A sudden, piercing beep showed a forthcoming message coming from Erik's and the others' masks. Erik grinned behind the mask. Luckily, no one could see that.

<They took their time, uh? Pretty unusual for these bastards.>

The man raised a gloved hand to his ear, activating the built-in communication device. A voice crackled through the speaker.

"All available personnel, respond immediately! A blackguards' building in your area is under attack. We need all available troops to head there. I repeat, we need all available troops to head there! We will send you the coordinates."

Erik's grin widened as he saw the coordinates on the small screen to the side of his mask.

"It looks like we've got a party to crash," Brute Ape said. He cracked his knuckles and twisted his neck.

"Let's move," Shatterfist said. "We need to get there fast. Have you all heard the coordinates?"




"Then let's go."




As Erik and his team sped towards the coordinates, the sounds of explosions and gunfire grew steadily louder.

"I don't like this," the team's leader said.

"You would be a weirdo if you did!"

While rounding the last corner, the scene that appeared before their eyes made everyone's but Erik's stomach sink.

Most of the guards stationed outside the targeted building lay dead on the ground; their black masks were stained red.

"What the fu-" Shatterfist couldn't help but let out a swear as he saw the carnage. Brute Ape was uncharacteristically silent in shock.

Such a high number of casualties hinted at exceptional combat capability on the attackers' side, the rebels's side, and that was not good. It was a power they never showed-well, maybe just once, and it was clearly enough to make the rebels' threat level skyrocket. News about the attack on the enlistment center was scarce and conflicting and few people knew about it, or had enough information to get an idea of the situation.

Erik ensured no surveillance video remained there or on the blackguards' servers. So, no one knew what exactly happened there.

In a sense, this was going to be the first official battle in which his Chimaeric Demons


Erik meticulously tuned his voice to be one of rage and disgust at the rebels.

"These fuckers... We will kill them all."

"Well said, Savage Blood. We will," Brute Ape said.

They moved. Erik and his team approached the battle scene.

The air was full of the sounds of explosions, and who knew what else. Most likely brain crystal


Many blackguards were engaging the rebels attacking the building. Several blackguard vehicles were burning nearby, suggesting the initial surprise of the rebel attack went well, and that they target the vehicles to prevent anyone from fleeing.

But despite the overwhelming numbers of blackguards around, the situation looked grim for them. The others didn't like it, but Erik did.

Unfortunately, as they got closer, he saw the blackguards had formed a defensive line in front of the building's entrance, which had a massive boulder stuck in it.

The Chimaeric Demons might have rushed inside to capture Momentum, but that would have been problematic for the rebels, because they would have had to fight the blackguards outside


The clones had to kill, but they had to protect at the same time.

But that was still slow, based on what Erik thought his clone would have done.

<It looks like June decided to tell the clones to slow down a bit.>

Erik, though, soon understood why by considering the circumstances and what June, Fischer,

and the others knew.

The man might not have got the chance to enter the building if the rebels had. The blackguards would have been stopped from entering by the rebels standing in front of the


The others had to wait until Erik got there, though, if he was to enter without raising any suspicions.

Using his Instability brain crystal power, Erik sent a mental communication to June. Finding him among the many people in the vicinity was difficult, but he did.



<I'm here. I will tell you when I'm inside the building. As soon as I do, you break the enemy

This content is taken from fгeewebnovё

lines and carry out the plan.>

<Understood, master.>

The situation was a chaotic mess. The blackguards were firing at the rebels, who were trying to rush through their positions, trying to keep them far from the entrance.

June orchestrated everything well because he made the troops retreat as soon as the bigger cluster of blackguards rushed out of the building, giving the illusion that the new manpower pushed the rebels back.

The only problem was that Momentum could have left the area or joined the defenses, and

Erik didn't like it.

The rebels incurred some deaths; a lot were injured on the ground, but a dedicated group continued to press the attack, and that group comprised Erik's Chimaeric Demons.