BIOLOGICAL SUPERCOMPUTER SYSTEM-Chapter 942: Blue Whale’s team (3)

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Chapter 942: Blue Whale's team (3)

Erik gripped the handle of his mana sword as the patrol car screeched to a halt in Sector 7342. The thaids' yells and screams filled the air.

With its tusks sparkling in the low light, a thaid shaped like a boar with the extended arms of an ape dashed through the humans and monsters alike.

There were soldiers there already, fighting the monsters and trying to contain the situation.

But the number of thaids was very high. Other than the few locals who had been unlucky enough to end up in this area, streets were uncannily deserted of people.

That was because of Volkov's tight curfew had kept most people safely inside their houses.

Volkov had no intention of keeping people inside because of their safety, but because he wanted to keep them in check.

However, safety reasons was the lie he gave them to keep them calm.

However, there had been some people outside. Those with the permit, or those who were working in the area.

A few unlucky people were now running away in panic, their screams resonating down the empty lanes.

Some had already fallen victim to the monsters, their bodies strewn throughout the streets.

Then the other patrol car already arrived. The soldiers already there were massacring the creatures.

Over a dead soldier, a thaid with a bull's head and a spider's body scurried, its many eyes gleaming with predatory desire.

Screams of the dying reverberated through the streets clogged with smoke as the city descended into a living nightmare.

Without hesitation, Erik leaped out of the car, joining the other blackguards as they rushed to engage the monstrous creatures.

The blackguard beside him, one of the two he came with, eyed him briefly.

"I heard you're pretty good with that sword," the blackguard shouted over the din of battle. "Time to prove it!"

Erik nodded, then dashed forward into the fray.

The thaids surged toward the blackguards. Erik gripped his sword and met the first creature head-on, his blade flashing as he cut deep into its flank.

The thaid roared in pain and turned its attention to him, swiping with claws the size of daggers.

Erik dodged the attack, then counterattacked, his sword carving a gash across the thaid's chest.

The creature staggered, black ichor oozing from its wounds, and Erik pressed his advantage, raining blows upon it until it collapsed, lifeless, at his feet.

Erik could kill the creatures easily, but he didn't want to stand out too much. This time, he had to be careful of what he did.

A hulking Blackguard swung a massive hammer, crushing the skull of a thaid with the head of a lizard and the body of a bear.

Sparks shot as a second Blackguard, brandishing two mana swords, fended off the snarling teeth of a hideous beast that looked like a cross between a scorpion and a wolf.

Another fired a brain crystal rifle, and every shot connected.

A gigantic Blackguard swung a huge hammer, crushing a thaid with the head of a lizard and the body of a bear.

Sparks shot as a second Blackguard, brandishing two mana swords, fended off the snarling teeth of a hideous beast that looked like a cross between a scorpion and a wolf.

One other fired with his brain crystal rifle, and every shot connected.

Burning body odor and guttural screams from Blackguards and Thaids alike.

Erik rejoined the fray, his mana sword a blur as he struck down one thaid after another.

The blackguards beside him eyed him with a hint of amusement. For sure, this guy was not wasted as a blackguard.

Despite not having a powerful brain crystal power, Savage Blood knew how to fight.

Maybe taking people with rather common powers was not that bad, after all, not if they fought like that.

Wasting no time, they increased their own effort, not wanting to appear poorly in front of the new guy, their weapons flashing as they tore into the horde of thaids.

Erik leaped into the melee, his sword a blur as he struck down one thaid after another.

A large, bear-like thaid charged him, its jaws gaping wide. Erik sidestepped the attack and brought his sword down in a savage arc, slicing through the creature's thick hide.

Blood sprayed as the thaid howled in pain and retreated.

Another thaid, this one resembling a giant scorpion, scuttled towards him, its venomous stinger poised to strike.

Erik dove under the attack and thrust his sword upwards, impaling the thaid through the underbelly. The creature thrashed and then went still.







The blackguards fought with ruthless efficiency. Each one of them either had incredibly powerful brain crystal power, a ton of mana, or was a fighting genius.

Savage Blood was in between all of that. While his brain crystal power wasn't that good, he

had a B-ranked brain crystal and was good with the sword.

While observing the blackguards, Erik matched their pace as he weaved through the battlefield, his sword claiming one thaid life after another.

A pack of smaller reptilian thaids converged on him, their jaws snapping. Erik whirled, his sword cutting a swathe through the creatures, their bodies falling in a heap at his feet. The battle raged on, the air thick with the stench of blood and the cacophony of battle cries.

"Oi, you lot! Wanna see who can turn the most thaids into mincemeat?" a Blackguard said, brandishing his bloodied axe with a maniacal grin.

"Hah! You're on, you pea-brained oaf! I'll have you know, my kill count is the stuff of


A third Blackguard rolled her eyes, muttering, "Idiots. Both of you. Watch and learn how a real

warrior deals with these pests."

"Hey, no fair! She got a head start!"

The first Blackguard said, before chasing after the woman with a battle cry that sounded like a

chicken squawk.

"Wait for me!"

<Fucking idiots, > Erik thought.

He was confronted by a colossal, horned creature, its massive presence causing the earth to

tremble with every stride.

Erik braced himself, his sword held high, and as the creature lunged, he brought the blade

down with all his might, cleaving the thaid's skull in two.

The blackguards paused for a moment, their gazes shifting to Erik in surprise.

"You see that? Even the new guy is doing better than you!"

With a thaid's severed claw dangling from his armor, the other man sputtered indignantly,

"Ah?! He is doing better than you, too! You just got drool on your boot!"

The other blackguard inspected his boot with exaggerated disgust. "Shut up! That's not thaid

drool, that's sweat from my mad skills!"

"You wish, you moron!"

The young man's abilities had astonished the veteran Blackguards, and their initial

skepticism had given way to respect.

Erik was not interested in their commendation. He just wanted to kill as many thaids as possible in order to level up and grow stronger.

He had already gained five levels since the attack began

The tide of the fight began to shift as the thaids faltered, their ranks dwindling under the

Blackguards' persistent onslaught.

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The monsters suddenly halted, their eyes flickering with terror.

Erik and the rest of the blackguards sensed a chance and took it. The number of bodies piling

up at their feet increased with staggering speed.

Erik dove between the snapping jaws of a thaid and slashing the creature's segmented





Erik stood amidst the carnage, his chest heaving as he surveyed the dead thaids around him. The other blackguards approached, their weapons still dripping with the creatures' blood. "Damn, Savage Blood, I gotta hand it to you," one of the men said, clapping Erik on the back. "You really know how to handle that sword of yours."

Erik grinned behind his mask, feeling a surge of satisfaction. This was the kind of praise he had been hoping to receive from these guys. This was the impression he wanted to make. The more the other blackguards were impressed by his skills, the more likely Silent Scream would take notice, and the better the chances of him becoming a blackguard were. "Thanks," he said, keeping his tone casual. "I've had a lot of practice." Another blackguard chimed in, "Practice, huh? Well, it's paid off. You fight like a veteran out

there. Hell, you might even give Dark Tendrils a run for his money."

"Dark Tendrils? Shut up! That's not possible!"

"I just do what I can to get the job done," Erik said.

The blackguards nodded, their postures relaxing as the adrenaline of the battle faded.