Became a Medieval Fantasy Wizard-Chapter 21:

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Chapter 21:

TL/Editor: Raei



Illustrations: None.

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The ruler of Riverville was a noble named Baron Kaltz.

As befitting the lord of a large village, Baron Kaltz built and lived in a house within the walls of a castle.

Unlike other minor nobles who received their fiefs from a higher noble, the Kaltz family was a local that had been with Riverville from its beginning.

The first Baron Kaltz was the village chief of Riverville.

He wielded his sword to drive out thieves and hunted monsters to expand his territory.

He quarried stone to build a castle to prevent invasions from outsiders, and gradually enlarging it led to the current Riverville castle.

Therefore, Baron Kaltz was a nobleman that even fairly influential lords would find difficult to meddle with.

Although his territory was small, the loyalty of his subjects was tremendous, and owning even a small castle made military aggression a delicate matter.

The consolation was that he did not have enough soldiers to attack other territories.

Someday, if Riverville grew and became wealthier, it might engage in wars to expand its territory, but that was another story.

"So, you want to do business in Riverville?"

Baron Kaltz glanced sideways at the man prostrating before him and spoke indifferently.

The man was the representative of a small trading group called Rabbit Foot Company. His name was Rick or something.

"Yes! My lord! In fact, our company did business in Riverville three years ago as well..."

"Ah, yes. I remember."

In truth, he did not remember. It wasnt as if merchants wanting to do business were few and far between.

Despite the difficult era for trading, the prospect of making a fortune ensured a never-ending stream of challengers.

Thus, the empire today continues to see the birth and disappearance of trading companies.

"Just don't cause any trouble. Take care of things on your own."

"Thank you for your permission, my lord!"

Rick, a skilled merchant, successfully concluded the meeting with the noble.

He had to offer considerable wealth to see the high lord's face, but as things went smoothly, it was all worth it.

After all, there were times when one would offer money and still be kicked out.

When that happened, one would feel so wronged theyd want to dive into the river.

But what can you do about feeling wronged?

Just a wandering merchant, after all.

Cursing under his breath, he would have to head to the next village.

"Hehe. But, my lord. I have a story that I must tell Baron Kaltz..."

"Something I need to know?"

"Actually, the person I respect the most is Baron Kaltz! Every time I visit Riverville, I hear songs praising the merciful Baron..."

"Ha. Enough with the gilding, get to the point."

As Rick babbled away, Baron Kaltz couldn't help but smirk happily.

At the same time, the baron's treasurer frowned.

Since this lowly merchant made the baron happy, for the sake of the baron's dignity, he had to be given some money.

Otherwise, hed go around wailing to the whole neighborhood, 'After all Ive done for you! Baron! How could you do this to me!' while whining and crying.

Then bad rumors about the baron would spread that hes stingy and petty, offering nothing in return for loyalty.

Naturally, merchants and travelers would become reluctant to engage in more conversation with the baron than necessary.

It meant being cut off from news of the outside world.

In an era where the only sources of information were merchants and travelers, being out of the loop was quite an irritating matter.

Moreover, Rick cunningly started his story after lavishly praising the baron to put him in a good mood.

It was to ensure he wouldnt be thrown out even if the story Rick was about to tell was unremarkable.

"Actually, I met a wizard while I was traveling."

"A wizard?"

Baron Kaltz lent an ear to the merchant's story.

'Is he trying to sell some rare item?'

Wizards were rare, useful, and capricious beings.

It wouldnt be surprising if the merchant had acquired some marvelous item from a wizard.

"Yes! This person saved our lives with amazing skills!"

Rick narrated with a compelling voice, a skill honed from traveling the roads.

After all, a merchant must sell well, right?

Walking the fine line between a charlatan and a merchant, a quack doctor is, after all, still a merchant.

Baron Kaltz was entranced by Ricks story. Regardless of its truth, the tale of the wizard was too interesting.

In an era devoid of novels or comics, most entertainment was bland at best.

The most interesting stories were usually about knights' adventures, but how much more entertaining would be the bizarre adventures of a wizard!

"What? Kidnappers attacked in the night, and a drake attacked them? And the wizard talked to the drake and settled the matter in a single fight, even scolding the drake?

Wow! Super interesting!

Who needs Nobel Prize literature when you have this?

"Truly amazing."

Baron Kaltz was genuinely astonished.

A wizard who commands a drake like it's nothing. How impressive must that be!

"The truly surprising fact is... this person is currently staying in Riverville."


Baron Kaltz was so startled that he stood up.

The super interesting adventure story just drifted into horror thriller territory.

It was fine when the wizard was adventuring and controlling a drake. But f*ck, that person is in my territory?

Just the thought sent shivers down his spine.

If, by some chance, an irritated wizard released a drake within the territory... what would become of Riverville?

Baron Kaltz would end up being the former Baron Kaltz.

Whether losing the territory or dying in a fight trying to defend it from the drake.

"I absolutely must not! Absolutely must not reveal their whereabouts... but I respect you so much, my lord, that I had to tell you in secret."

It was a lie.

Ian had only mentioned staying in the village to Rick.

But laying this groundwork would make Rick's sharing seem more valuable. Being a born merchant, Rick knew well how to embellish a product.

Even trash can look like treasure if you add rarity to it.

"...I salute your courage."

Baron Kaltz genuinely thanked Rick.

To ignore the wizard's warning and still report to him. What a touching show of loyalty!

Without Rick's advice, today one less baron might have been in the empire.


"Yes, Your Excellency."

"Give this man a generous amount of gold, and let him stay in the castle until he leaves Riverville."

"Th-thank you! My lord!"

Baron Kaltz immediately issued the command.

"Select reliable people to patrol the village. We must not let anything happen that could cause us trouble."


"Steward, send Sir Hansen to the inn."

The elder steward asked politely.

"Shall we bring the wizard here?"

"No. Since he has decided to stay in the village, we cannot force him to come to the castle."

Baron Kaltz couldnt fathom why the wizard chose to stay at a village inn.

Wizards are such beings.

Capricious and unpredictable.

"However, bring the Santiago Knights."

Currently, a quirky group called the 'Santiago Knights' was staying in Riverville.

Monks and martial artists, they were lunatics who took up arms with a devotion to serving God.

As wealthy as they were to afford weapons, these madmen didn't engage in the wars they were supposed to but roamed around hunting 'demons' and 'monsters.'

Baron Kaltz had offered to host them in the castle, but they refused, claiming that as monks, they could not use comfortable beds, which shows how tightly wound in madness they were.

The Santiago Knights might be a group of madmen, but they were safe madmen.

They only bared their teeth against demons and monsters, self-proclaimed 'protectors of humanity.'

The problem was...

When the wizard who commands a drake and the Santiago Knights collide.

Would the Santiago Knights, the protectors of humanity, leave the wizard who controls a drake alone?

It wouldnt be surprising if they attacked, threatening to rip out his tongue.

Santiago Knights and the wizard.

If the two clashed in Riverville... Baron Kaltz would have to cry his eyes out.

'You f*cking bastards! If you're going to fight, get out of my house and do it! You motherf*ckers!'

Since both were madmen impossible to capture by force, it was unfortunate for Baron Kaltz...

"Hurry. We need to separate them before any problems arise."

"Yes! Your Excellency!"

Unlike the wizard, who was madness itself, the knights, who were humans wearing the mask of madness, were at least beings you could communicate with.

Therefore, the baron planned to summon the knights to the castle until the wizard left Riverville.

Sensing that this was no ordinary crisis, the steward raced off, eyebrows flying, to summon Sir Hansen.

"Sir Hansen!"

"What's the matter?"

Sir Hansen, one of the four knights of Riverville, greeted the steward.

Born a noble's bastard, he was an exemplary knight who, unlike the common rogue knights, knew honor and dedicated himself to chivalry.

"It's an emergency!"

The steward briefly summarized the crisis in Riverville.

Grasping the gravity of the situation, Sir Hansen, with a grim face, armed himself and headed to the stables.

There, he encountered a person he was not at all pleased to see.

"Young lord."

It was Bernard, Baron Kaltz's son.

"Going to the village, right? I'll come with."

"...I am carrying out an important order from the lord."

"I know! That's why I'm saying let's go together!"

He must have overheard the entire conversation in the hall.

Young Lord Bernard, still wet behind the ears, wanted to meddle in the affairs of the estate despite not having the capacity for it.

If he were competent, it would be one thing.

But he was just a foolish boy playing at lordship, more likely to cause trouble.

"If the lord finds out..."

"Ha! As if getting scolded by my father is anything new to me? And! You say it's important, right? What if something happens that's too much for you to decide on your own?

Will you run back to the castle?"


Bernard, now somewhat grown up, occasionally made sense, which made him even more annoying.

It seemed like he had only grown in cunning.

"I'll take responsibility! So, let me come with!"

"However, Young Lord..."

"Ha! Sir Hansen! Is that all your loyalty amounts to!"

'Bratty kid...!'

Sir Hansen was furious but suppressed his anger.

He had sworn to protect the people of this land, charmed by the peaceful atmosphere of Riverville.

Even if the boss's son is difficult, if you appreciate the company, why consider leaving?

Blame your fate for landing in such a family-like corporation!

"Absolutely, do not interfere. This is for your own good, Young Lord."

"What do you take me for! I swear to the heavens I won't disappoint you, Sir!"

Bernard's accompanying was not a bad thing for Sir Hansen.

It's comforting to have someone of higher status with you when you're out on a mission.

That is, assuming Bernard didn't pull any strange stunts.

Praying that Bernard would behave, Sir Hansen rode his horse towards the village.

He headed straight for the only inn in Riverville, 'Misty Inn.'

The inn where the monastic knights were staying.

"What's with the smoke..."

Bernard muttered ominously.

Sir Hansen's heart sank.

From somewhere around the back of Misty Inn, white smoke was billowing up.

What else could cause such huge plumes of smoke outdoors?

'A fight!'

There was no other explanation than a fire caused by combat.


Without hesitation, Sir Hansen drew his sword and spurred his horse forward, charging aggressively.

The residents, terrified, hurriedly cleared the way.

Whinnying loudly, Sir Hansen practically leapt from his horse and dashed into the inn's backyard.

He was immediately appalled by the horrific scene unfolding before his eyes.

'That, that's... What on earth!'

A pot large enough for a person to fit inside.

Beneath it, firewood burned, sending plumes of white smoke into the air...

But most horrifying was the fact that there was actually someone inside the pot...!

And that someone was a naked young man!

'The wizard and the monastic knights!'

The men surrounding the pot were knights from the Santiago Monastic Order.

And naturally, the man in the pot was the wizard.

The Santiago Knights looked at Sir Hansen with cold eyes, silently staring him down.

Sir Hansen felt chills running down his spine, his stomach turning in horror.

The monastic knights were... right now...

Boiling the wizard alive in water!

Witnessing such a shocking scene, Sir Hansen momentarily lost his ability to speak.

Thus, he found himself utterly unable to scream at the monastic knights, 'What are you doing!'

But Young Lord Bernard, who had followed him, was different.

After clearly witnessing the barbaric and cruel actions of the monastic knights, he showcased his noble presence by shouting at them.

"What the hell are you doing!"

At that moment, Sir Hansen thought it was good that he had brought Bernard along.

However, even after the young lord's thunderous scolding, the monastic knights just looked at each other, heads tilted from confusion.

The first to speak was the wizard.

From inside the pot, the wizard being boiled said,

"...I'm taking a bath?"
