Be a Good Boy and Marry Me-Chapter 441 - 326: Is this Noble Lady Little Pear’s Biological Mother?_2

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Chapter 441: Chapter 326: Is this Noble Lady Little Pear’s Biological Mother?_2

“Pfft ——”

Lin Ranzhu didn’t laugh, but Ye Yining was the first to burst into laughter, “Little Pear, you’re so wild, does your Young Master Mo know?”

“Tch! And what if he knows? He can’t control me.”

Gu Li said defiantly, “They say that a wife is not as fragrant as a wild flower, I think I might have the potential to be a faithless woman.”

Ye Yining: “Really? If you were faithless, I’m afraid all the women in the world would have multiple husbands.”


“However, I think having multiple husbands is pretty good too, men, after all, get bored when you always look at the same one.”

“Ha, you talk as if you have a man? When will you find me a brother-in-law? My sister’s son is already four years old, and you, you haven’t even held a man’s hand, aren’t you embarrassed?”

After saying that, Gu Li wished she could bite her own tongue. How did she let that slip?

Sure enough, the next second, not only Ye Yining, even Lin Ranzhu snapped back to her senses, both staring at her wide-eyed.

Both of them, stunned, exclaimed: “Little Qian (Sister Qian) is married?!”


Worried about Tang Yue’s injury, Tang Wan’s trip to Hua Country was very rushed, she only brought Steward Tang’s mother with her.

They took a taxi to Lu’s Hospital, but as soon as they reached the city area, the driver stopped, turned his head, and said to them: “I am sorry ladies. My wife is in labor, I must rush to the Central Hospital, which is in the opposite direction to Lu’s Hospital. I won’t charge for the fare, you better get off the car now.”

“Eh, but this place is so deserted, how can you…”

Mother Tang, looking out at the uninhabited landscape outside, her heart racing, and not a single car in sight.

“I’m sorry, my wife is having a difficult labor, I really have to ask for your understanding. Please be kind.”

The driver was helpless, sweating profusely.

Tang Wan, feeling sorry for him, replied in a gentle voice, “It’s alright. We’ll get off. We wish your wife safe delivery. As for the fare, we still need to pay, please.”

While she was talking, she took out several hundred-dollar bills from her wallet and handed them to him. “Take the extra cash and buy some nutritional supplements for the baby.”

“Thank you, thank you, kind lady. Good deeds will be rewarded, you will be blessed.”

The driver held the money, immensely grateful.

Had his wife not been in critical condition, he would definitely make sure they got to their destination.

The driver took their luggage out of the car, thanked Tang Wan profusely, then turned around and dashed towards the other direction.

The two of them waited by the road side, but unfortunately, after waiting for more than ten minutes, there was still no sign of any car passing by.

At this moment, Mother Tang couldn’t keep herself from saying, “Missus, you’re too kind-hearted. Everyone has emergency situations, but leaving us stranded in the middle of nowhere is still too much. What if we can’t hail any vehicle until nightfall, what then?”

Tang Wan looked towards the road sign ahead, flashed a smile, “No problem, worst comes to worst, we can just call Shiting to send someone to pick us up.”

Upon hearing this, Tang’s mother also laughed, “You sure treat Young Master Mo like a member of the family.”

“Indeed, I don’t know why, but I feel close to him. If Tang Tang hadn’t disappeared, I would definitely try to make Mo Shiting my son-in-law.”

Tang Wan spoke truthfully, her eyes growing melancholic involuntarily.

Mother Tang noticed she was thinking about her daughter again and couldn’t help but sigh silently.

In the past, she didn’t know who in the hell dared to kidnap their sweet young mistress, sigh!

On the other end, Gu Li and Ye Yining finally managed to make Lin Ranzhu laugh. Just as the three of them were getting ready to go out for morning tea, Ye Yining’s cellphone suddenly rang.

“Brother Chen, oh, alright, no problem, don’t worry, leave it to me. Wish your wife a smooth delivery.”

Ye Yining briefly responded, then hung up the phone.

“What happened?”

Both Gu Li and Lin Ranzhu looked at her.

Ye Yining said: “An older neighbor’s wife is having a difficult labor. He’s in a hurry to get to the hospital, but he left two passengers on the way. He feels bad about it, so he asked me to go check on them.”

“I see, then…”

“You guys go ahead for tea. Let’s meet up another time.”

After saying this, Ye Yining quickly grabbed her bag and left.

Luckily, the address that neighbor Brother Chen gave wasn’t too far from the Creative Park. Driving over would take just over 20 minutes.

She wasn’t sure if those two female passengers would still be there by the time she arrived.

But since she had promised Brother Chen, she had to keep her promise.

As she approached the location, Ye Yining finally understood why Brother Chen had asked her to come over here. After all, this was a newly developed area and without luck, they might not see a single taxi for an entire day.