Awakened: Evolving to Godhood-Chapter 35: Magic Technique

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Chapter 35: Magic Technique freโ„ฏ๐“Œe๐š‹๐ง๐˜ฐvโ„ฏl.๐œ๐š˜๐—บ

A few moments after the clock hit eight and the unpleasant sounding bell rang throughout the main building, the instructor here to teach magic to the students entered the room with a huge bundle of sheets pressed in between her hands.

โ€œHello, I am Nina Olsen, and Iโ€™ll be your magic teacher for this year. Today, weโ€™ll be talking about magic techniques. I believe a lot of you donโ€™t know about this term as itโ€™s not publicly available. Am I right?โ€ Instructor Nina said, looking at the students and waiting for their answers.

Many students showed blank or confused looks as this was their first time hearing about the term Magic Technique.

โ€œThis is my first time hearing about this.โ€

โ€œMe too!โ€

Magicians born to magiciansโ€™ families somewhat knew about magic techniques but not entirely. Instead, it was magicians born to a common family, with no prior relation to the magicianโ€™s communities, that didnโ€™t know what magic techniques meant.

โ€œSince many of you donโ€™t have prior knowledge of this, Iโ€™ll start from the basics. Magic Techniques are a form of supernatural techniques that uses magic energy as a fuel to activate, granting magicians specialized abilities.โ€

Her words came as a shock to many students as this was their first finding out that magicians can use magic energy as fuel for something else besides their supernatural cells. ๐˜ง๐‘Ÿ๐˜ฆ๐’†w๐šŽ๐™—nov๐˜ฆ๐—น.๐œo๐“ถ

Instructor Nina continued, โ€œSurprising, isnโ€™t it? All your life, a lot of you have thought that magic energy is merely a fuel consumed by supernatural cells in an awakened magicianโ€™s bloodstream to manifest their abilities, but it has never been that simple. The uses of magic energy are too many, nearly endless. We, humans, are just too ignorant about it because of our limited understanding of magic energy and our limited knowledge about magic.โ€

It has only been 20 years since humans first stepped through the spatial tunnels, entered Xavier, and started exploring it. They havenโ€™t obtained a lot of things from the deserted settlements of the mysterious civilization. Some were incomplete as the artifacts and technology were missing one or too many parts while books lacked pages.

Some magicians tried to explore the settlements for the missing pieces and completed them, but most remain incomplete to this day.

After all, even for a magician, salvaging the technology, artifact, and knowledge of the ancient civilization isnโ€™t easy.

A magician needs to complete the trials of the ancient civilization before they can get their technology, magic knowledge, and so on.

Of course, trials are dangerous, and thereโ€™s a high chance to die in one of them. Still, many magicians head to the deserted settlements of the ancients to challenge their trials and acquire treasures.

Nevertheless, some donโ€™t return, some return empty-handed, some return with pieces of the whole thing, and some return with a certain version of a supernatural technique or a book with profound knowledge which does it worse to shook humanity out of its wits, helping them realize how their existence is insignificant compared to the profoundness of reality.

โ€œBack to our topic, I will teach you how to form a magic matrix on your body today.โ€ Instructor Nina said

โ€œInstructors, what is that?โ€ Lisa asked, unable to suppress her curiosity.

โ€œItโ€™s new knowledge pertaining to magic that the association has salvaged in recent years. Magic Matrix allows a magician to utilize magic techniques. No one is born with it, but everyone can acquire it. The creation of Magic Matrix will not only allow you to use magic techniques but it will also help you obtain an intrinsic supernatural power unique to yourself.โ€

โ€œInstructor, what do we need to create a magic matrix?โ€ John asked out in excitement, feeling as if his chance to become stronger as a magician laid on mastering magic techniques.

โ€œYou need to perfectly perform the hand signs mentioned on this paper while holding a magic energy crystal in your hand to engrave a Magic Matrix on your body.โ€ Instructor Nina said, passing a sheet with dozens of hand signs to every student in the class.

โ€œNow, class do you have any questions?โ€ She asked as her gaze swept over every student.

โ€œHow will we know what our intrinsic supernatural power do?โ€ Elliot suddenly said, looking at Nina.

โ€œYouโ€™ll naturally gain all knowledge about it once you form a magic matrix in your body.โ€ Instructor Nina answered.

โ€œHow do we use it?โ€ Elliot asked once again.

โ€œYouโ€™ll need to channel magic energy into your magic matrix to activate your intrinsic supernatural power. Weโ€™ll keep it simple and just call it an innate magic technique.โ€ She replied once again, feeling happy that she got to talk for so long with Elliot.

โ€œHow do we do that?โ€ Elliot said, wondering how to channel magic energy into the magic matrix.

โ€œYou can channel magic energy into your magic matrix by performing hand signs mentioned at the back of the sheet I just gave you. Is that understood?โ€ Instructor Nina said in a pleasant voice, a smile on her face.

โ€œWe understand, instructor!โ€ Elliot and many students said, thanking the young beauty too for her patience and great way of teaching.

It was a few minutes after she finished explaining that the bell rang out, signifying the end of the class.

The students stood up, some ready to head out and have fun and some planning to get to their next class.

โ€œOne last thing before you all can do whatever you like.โ€ Instructor Nina Olsen suddenly said, attracting everyoneโ€™s attention towards herself. โ€œThe magicians who create their magic matrix can take missions and complete them to earn rewards. The first ten magicians to do so will get an additional bonus from the academy.โ€

After the students heard Ninaโ€™s words, they realized the importance of this matter, and many decided to give it their all to learn the hand signs necessary to create a magic matrix, create a magic matrix on their body, complete a mission and earn the bonus for being one of the first ten students to complete a mission!