As a Magnate, I Started Checking in at a Convenience Store-Chapter 581 - Someone from the Country!

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Someone from the Country!

Translator: Dragon Boat Translation Editor: Dragon Boat Translation

Just as Zhou Chao was leisurely lounging on the recliner playing with his phone, Lin Wu rushed in from outside, loudly calling out, “Boss, the people have arrived. The ones sent from China are here.”

Zhou Chao “whooshed” up from the recliner, and the little tiger lying on his lap flew out. You could even see the bewildered expression on the little tiger’s face. “They’re here? Are they the three cars that Lev mentioned earlier?” Zhou Chao asked Lin Wu as he looked towards him.

“Yes, boss, it’s those three cars. They’ve already arrived at the ranch gate.”

“Let’s go!” Zhou Chao picked up the down jacket placed aside and briskly walked outside, putting on the jacket as he went.

As soon as he stepped out the door, he saw five or six people walking in from the ranch gate. Zhou Chao squinted and recognized a familiar face.

“What the heck, why did he come in person?” Zhou Chao couldn’t believe his eyes, rubbing them to make sure he wasn’t seeing things. He hurriedly went up to greet them.

“Wang Lao, why did you come in person!” The person who came was none other than Wang Yi, the heavyweight figure responsible for China’s external communications.

Zhou Chao never expected that China would dispatch him personally this time. Looking at Wang Lao’s white hair and slightly weather-beaten face, Zhou Chao felt a tug at his heart.

“Haha, why can’t I come? Your matter is related to the future development of the country. I have to come. Besides, I have a good relationship with those two. It’ll be easier to negotiate with them. After all, ‘killing the familiar’!” Wang Lao laughed as he spoke.

Zhou Chao laughed along with him after hearing this. Indeed, as Wang Lao said, he was the most suitable candidate for this matter.

A cold wind blew, and Zhou Chao couldn’t help but shiver. He suddenly remembered that his guests were still standing outside. “Wang Lao, please come inside quickly. It’s freezing outside!”

Wang Lao nodded and then followed Zhou Chao into the villa.

Once inside, Zhou Chao arranged for Lin Wu to take Wang Lao’s subordinates to the nearby rest area.

Meanwhile, Zhou Chao sat with Wang Lao and a middle-aged man on the sofa by the fireplace. The blazing fire in the fireplace brought warmth to the room. After Lin Wu served them each a cup of red tea, he left the living room.

Zhou Chao looked at the middle-aged man sitting next to Wang Lao and asked with some curiosity, “Wang Lao, who is this?”

“This is my capable assistant, Wen Bin!”

Wen Bin quickly stood up and greeted Zhou Chao. After exchanging some pleasantries, Wang Lao went straight to the point.

“As your father must have told you before, we were originally intending to cooperate with the Russia and Saudi in business recently. But we didn’t expect you to give us such a big surprise.” Wang Lao couldn’t help but admire the young man in front of him.

Zhou Chao pretended to scratch his head shyly. “It’s just a coincidence. I can only say it was a stroke of luck!”

Wang Lao, who has eaten more salt than Zhou Chao has eaten rice, naturally understood that Zhou Chao was being modest, but he didn’t expose it.

“You also know that the value of this gold mine is not to be underestimated. If we were to negotiate using shares of the gold mine to exchange for industries, it might not be something that can be accomplished in the short term. Besides, the country has a few small goals, and they might join in on these negotiations later.”

Upon hearing this, Zhou Chao instantly understood that they were preparing to bring a little “private benefit” into the negotiations about the gold mine. However, Zhou Chao didn’t mind. After all, this was what the country needed, and he believed that the higher-ups wouldn’t let him suffer.

“Wang Lao, rest assured. I will tell my father about this and have him report it to the higher authorities. I know where I stand. You guys are in charge of the negotiations this time, and I’ll be waiting for your good news.”

“Hahaha, when I came, No. 1 specifically mentioned that you are a patriotic youth, with much higher ideological consciousness than many others, a true entrepreneur who sincerely considers the country’s interests. Originally, I was a bit skeptical, but after chatting with you briefly, it’s indeed true!” Wang Lao’s smile was genuinely happy.

Wen Bin, who was beside them, looked at Zhou Chao with a hint of respect in his eyes. He had thought that this young man was merely riding on the coattails of his elders, but now he realized it was his own efforts that had brought him here.

“Wang Lao, please don’t praise me like that. I’m afraid I’ll start floating if you do!” Zhou Chao waved his hand quickly. He appreciated the praise, but if he took it to heart, he might not know how he’d end up in the future.

It’s best to stay humble as a person, which ensures a longer journey.

“Getting back to the point, there are a few things that need to be sorted out. We’ve heard about this from Minister Jiang, but it’s still necessary to confirm everything to avoid any mistakes later on.”

Zhou Chao nodded at this. “Wang Lao, if you have any questions, feel free to ask. I have nothing to hide here.”

“Haha, it’s not that serious. Mainly, I just want to clarify some issues regarding the gold mine,” Wang Lao said with a smile.

“Please, go ahead!” Zhou Chao probably understood what Wang Lao wanted to ask.

“The main thing is to confirm whether the value of the gold mine you mentioned before is true, and also whether all the relevant procedures are complete.. We don’t want them to find fault later on!”