Apocalypse: I Can See the HP Bar, Killing Monsters Drops Loot-Chapter 283 - 146: Heavy Casualties (Seeking monthly passes at month’s end)_2

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Chapter 283: Chapter 146: Heavy Casualties (Seeking monthly passes at month’s end)_2


All three cried out in alarm.

Wang Tao had previously informed them about Wu Fei’s situation. Wasn’t Wu Fei about to turn into a zombie? Could there have been some miracle that restored him to normal?

“Where is he?”

Han Rui asked anxiously. She still felt very guilty about Wu Fei and Li Cheng.

“He’s dead. He became a zombie, and I killed him.”

Everyone opened their mouths, but didn’t know what to say.

“I’ll tell you the specifics later. Let’s rest for a while and then head back to the base.”

The situation at the base was unknown. It was possible that everyone was still alive; on the other hand, maybe the mad demon zombies had overrun the base, and they were all dead…


All four were severely injured, especially Wang Tao, who was down to just a few hundred HP. Forget fighting, he could hardly walk.

Fortunately, Wang Tao had a medical kit, and he also possessed the self- healing ability, which allowed blood regeneration. Otherwise, all four of them would have completely lost their combat effectiveness.

After resting for a while, they all felt much better. Although they still had low HP, at least they could walk.

“Let’s go!”

Wang Tao and the others supported each other as they headed towards the base.

On their way, no zombies appeared. It was likely that all the zombies had been drawn to the base. Han Rui’s walkie-talkie was the only one that still worked, and she tried to use it to contact others, but there was no response. Everyone looked grim.

“I hope everyone is still alive…”

Han Rui prayed silently in her heart.

After some time, they arrived at the rooftop of a three-story building not far from the base.

“There are still many zombies in the base, but the defenses of the comprehensive building seem to be holding. Without the gorilla zombies, it’s hard forthose mad demon zombies to break through those steel defenses…” Zhen Guo put down the binoculars.

Although they heard no noise coming from inside the building, the fact that it hadn’t been overrun was good news.

“What now? Do we just rush in?”

Hong Bin looked at Wang Tao.

Wang Tao shook his head.

“No, in our current state, if we’re surrounded by mad demon zombies, we probably wouldn’t be able to escape… Since the comprehensive building hasn’t been breached, we should recover our condition first before we go over.”

They might be the base’s last fighting force. As long as they were alive, there was still hope for the base. If they died or were trapped, the base might truly be hopeless.

“Makes sense!”

Everyone nodded in agreement and then settled temporarily in the building.

While regaining their strength, they took turns monitoring the base with binoculars.

Mad demon zombies were a type of zombie that were highly sensitive to sound. If there was noise, they might stick around. If it was quiet, they might leave after a while.

Now that the gorilla zombie was dead and the mad demon zombies couldn’t break into the comprehensive building, which was quiet, the probability was high that the mad demon zombies would gradually leave.

Of course, even if they didn’t leave, once Wang Tao and the others had recovered, they could rush in.

They rested from noon until the afternoon. Although their HP bars hadn’t completely regenerated, as some injuries couldn’t be healed with the medical kits, their mana had mostly recovered.

An ability user with mana and one without were basically two different species.

“If we’re all ready, then let’s go!”

Some of the mad demon zombies under the comprehensive building had left, so they could now approach it.

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“Let’s go!”

When several people appeared at the entrance of Shuize Base, they immediately caught the attention of some mad demon zombies.

Seeing these ferocious monsters rushing towards them, Wang Tao and the others didn’t engage in combat. They used several rush abilities in succession and successfully made it to the administration building.

Then, they climbed from the rooftop of the administration building to the rooftop of the comprehensive building using the steel ropes, as they had done before.

Before reaching the rooftop, they saw Lu Gang lying there. Next to him was also FengMing’an.

After coming down, Wang Tao and the others hurried over to the two.

“Lu Gang! FengMing’an! Wake up!”

Zhen Guo and Hong Bin slapped their faces and then pinched their philtrums.

Wang Tao wasn’t so hasty; he saw that both Lu Gang’s and FengMing’an’s HP bars were critically low but not depleted. He took out the medical kit and used it on them.

Moments later, Lu Gang was the first to finally come around.

Seeing the figures before him, Lu Gang was a bit dazed.

“It’s good thatyou’re awake! It’s good thatyou’re awake!”

Everyone was pleased.

Feng Ming’an also woke up at this time.

“You guys…”

“It’s okay now, we’re safe!”

Zhen Guo consoled them briefly, and without talking much, quickly led them down the building with the help of others.

Inside the building, basically everyone was lying on the ground. The smarter ones had stuffed their ears, and the even smarter ones had covered their heads with clothes and blankets in addition to their ears.

As for the less smart ones… their HP bars had dropped to zero—Wang Tao saw at a glance that many people no longer had HP bars.


Wang Tao sighed silently.

He had anticipated this scenario before coming in. And to be fair, it was better than he had expected; at least they weren’t wiped out, and there were still quite a few survivors alive.

Wang Tao found Ren Jie and Liu He.

Although they were not strong fighters, they were still ability users, physically much better than ordinary people, and Wang Tao had also reminded Ren Jie to be aware of the gorilla zombie’s sonic attack. So they were just unconscious with low HP, with no life-threatening dangers.