Apocalypse: Counterattack of a Cannon Fodder-Chapter 84

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Chapter 84

Not far away, a young man was carrying an old long shot shotgun. He was only fifteen or six years old. In the old days, when he was studying, he exclaimed excitedly, "second uncle, come on, I've got a serrated mouse!"

Not far away, a middle-aged man heard the sound of the gun and ran wildly. He saw a serrated mouse lying on the ground motionless. The middle-aged man's face was very ugly. He said, "don't shoot indiscriminately. The bullets are expensive. We can't hunt any decent prey today. We have to continue to be hungry tonight!"

The boy was still very happy when he was scolded. "Second uncle, let's eat this serrated mouse tonight. I haven't eaten meat for more than half a year. Anyway, they don't want this kind of prey. Can we hide it secretly and don't turn it in?"

The middle-aged man looked around nervously and said in a low voice: "don't talk! It's great to be heard by other hunters! "

The young man muttered: "anyway, there is no one else here, just the two of us..."

Just then, the dense trees on the roadside suddenly shook violently.

"Who?! Come out The middle-aged man grabbed the shotgun from the young man and nervously prepared the roadside trees.

In Tang Dynasty, he slowly came out of the trees, holding up his hands to show that he had no malice.

As soon as the boy saw a young stranger coming out of the trees, he became nervous and hid behind the middle-aged man, staring at Tang Shi warily.

The middle-aged man grabbed the trigger and threatened, "who are you?"?! What are you doing here? "

"I don't mean any harm. I just want to ask you something." The reason why Tang didn't rush out suddenly was that he didn't scare them. YanXu was hidden in the trees and didn't let him out. In Tang Dynasty, he was delicate and kind-hearted. Anyone who saw him at first sight would definitely mark him as "harmless", so it was most appropriate for him to come out to chat up.

The shotgun didn't pose any threat to him, but it was worthy of him to raise his hand. After the destruction of mayor Lin's group, he didn't waste the opportunity to summon a vicious blacksmith to repair it. The bullet couldn't pierce his armor.

"What do you want to ask?" Middle aged men don't relax their guard. No one can trust anyone in this era. They are too naive and can only die.

"I'm from Lincheng. I'd like to ask if you have seen the people evacuated from Lincheng passing by." Tang Shi promised to go to longmian. He will certainly go to him.

"Lincheng?" The middle-aged man frowned, looked Tang Shi from top to bottom, and then from left to right. He saw that he was ragged, dirty and smelly. Obviously, he had experienced some ups and downs, but he still didn't believe that he came out of Lincheng and hid behind the middle-aged man. He said in advance: "don't be kidding, Lincheng is a dead city now, and there can't be any life in it People

The middle-aged man glared at him and motioned him not to interrupt.

Tang Shi said with a smile: "I really came out of Lincheng. My brother was among the evacuees, so he wanted to know if he had passed this direction."

Hearing these words, the hostility in the eyes of middle-aged men is reduced a little. It is not easy for everyone in this era. This young man also knows to look for his lost brother, which shows that his humanity is still there. The middle-aged man put down his shotgun and said, "we often hunt in this direction. We don't see the crowd passing by."

"So." Tang Shi thought for a moment and then said, "is there a gathering place near here?"

The young man's eyes twinkled for a while, but the middle-aged man pondered and asked uncertainly, "do you want to go to the gathering place?"

"Yes, it's been a long time. I want to go to the gathering place to have a rest." It was confirmed in the Tang Dynasty that there was definitely a gathering place nearby.

"Yes, yes, but we are hunting..." The middle-aged man looked at the sky and sighed, "it's getting dark. Let's go. I'll take you there."

The middle-aged man and the young man tied up the serrated mouse and put it on a tree trunk to carry it back.

"Just a moment. I have another friend to join me." Tang finish this sentence, YanXu just came out from the trees.

The middle-aged man is a little surprised and can't help but start to be on guard again. As long as Yan Xu is cold, he always has a kind of momentum that is not angry and arrogant, which makes people feel more pressure. This time is no exception.

Tang Shi saw this and said with a smile: "he is just a cold face. He is not bad. Don't worry."

YanXu nodded to the middle-aged man, and the middle-aged man looked YanXu from top to bottom, from left to right. Then he turned his head and said, "let's go."

Young people peep at them from the corner of their eyes as they walk. It's funny in the Tang Dynasty. 𝐟𝗿𝚎𝐞𝓌e𝒃𝑛𝒐ѵ𝒆𝑙.c𝚘𝓶

Tang Dynasty had a chat with a middle-aged man all the way. He learned that the middle-aged man's name was Guo Lihui, and the young man's name was Guo lang. Tang Dynasty was naturally not stingy to report his family.

After walking a little further, Tang Shi suddenly felt a little familiar with this area. After walking for about half an hour, a small town appeared in front of him.

In the Tang Dynasty, he was surprised that this small town was the place where he grew up - Meizhen. Although the surrounding environment of Meizhen had changed, the landform near Meizhen was the same as in the old times. Originally, the open place led to Meizhen by a straight road, but now the road was blocked by a high wall. The high wall was obviously built after the end of the world, and the soil and bricks were still very new Fresh. After his mother died in Tang Dynasty, he was taken to live here by his grandfather. After his grandfather died, he was taken back to Tang family by Tang Minghai. After leaving Meizhen for so many years, he is reasonably familiar with Meizhen. Although he doesn't know all the people in Meizhen, it's OK to be familiar with them. However, Guo Lihui's uncle and nephew didn't know each other at all when they were in Tang Dynasty. He guessed that it might be the people fleeing from outside who came to Meizhen.Meizhen is just a small town on the edge of Lincheng. It has a small population, only tens of thousands of people. Young people usually go to big cities to fight, leaving only some old and young women and children at home. After the end of the world, it should not be affected by the "meteorite rain", and the buildings in the town are still intact.

It's getting late. There are a lot of people outside the city wall of the town. They huddle together in groups. Some of them have started to light a fire to boil water. In the Tang Dynasty, it was strange why these people didn't go in and why they all gathered here. In such a small town, would they have to pay the "entrance fee"? Facts have proved that Tang's conjecture is true.

Guo Lihui said in a low voice: "this is the gathering place. If you want to enter, you have to find a way. I can only take you here."

Tang Shi asked, "how can I get in?"

Guo Lihui: "the mayor of Meizhen has given three conditions: first, if you are an awakened person and are willing to be loyal to him, you can go in; second, unless you can hunt two decent prey every day as rent, you can live in the town; third, if you can't hunt decent prey, if you want to live in the town, everyone has to pay at least three serrated mice every day, if it's meat Good prey depends on the situation. "

Tang Dynasty: "what kind of prey is called" decent prey "

Guo Lihui shook his head and sighed: "I'm not sure about the details. In a word, what I don't know and haven't seen should be the prey that those people want. There are many strange things, some of them have long legs and are very fierce. Many people want to hunt them, but they eat them instead. It's too dangerous."

In the Tang Dynasty, we had guesses about what we didn't know and what we didn't see. Now, even though serrated mice have expanded countless times than before, their signs as mice have not changed and they can still be recognized. If we really don't know and haven't seen them, then they are card creatures. The mayor wants card creatures not to eat meat. The end of the world has come to an end After more than half a year, it's time to publish the news of yuannengjing. It's not surprising that someone in this remote town knows about yuannengjing. However, after the alien is killed, the yuanneng crystal must be taken out as soon as possible, or it will dissipate into the air. The alien's death time and body integrity are required.

Tang Shi tentatively said: "as long as it's unknown and unseen prey, no other requirements?" 𝐟𝙧ee𝔀e𝐛𝓃𝐨𝚟𝑒𝗹.c𝗼𝚖

"It's not. It's required. After a decent game is killed, the body's integrity must be guaranteed. After the game is killed, the body must be sent back as soon as possible. After more than two hours, they won't take it back. Someone did hunt the game they didn't know and thought they could live in the town. But when it was too late, the mayor didn't take it back. They were busy."

The Tang Dynasty was surprised that two hours was the time for yuan Neng Jing to dissipate inside the corpse. Yuan Neng Jing that was taken from the corpse could still be released for a few days. I was afraid that it would dissipate quickly if it was placed in the corpse of a different race. It seems that the mayor of this town is a character. He even grasped the dissipation time of yuannengjing so accurately. It's not simple!

It has been confirmed in the Tang Dynasty that the mayor's purpose of collecting "decent prey" must be for yuannengjing. Such a thing is very common. As long as you can get yuannengjing, you can do anything.

In Tang Dynasty, he took a look at the people gathered outside the wall. "Are they all people who can't afford the rent?"

"Yes, these are. There are still some people who have left and want to go out and find a place where they can gather."

Tang Dynasty noticed that among the crowd, there were some older elderly people, most of whom were local people in Meizhen. So he asked, "can't local people live in Meizhen?"

"It's OK, but they can't come out at will. Except for the awakened, they haven't seen any ordinary people come out."

"What's the matter with them? They're supposed to be from town, aren't they

Guo Lihui looked at it and said, "I guess I'm old. It's a waste of food to stay in the town. I'm thrown out."

As they talked, they approached the entrance of Meizhen. Guo Lang didn't want to go there. He stood still on the road and Guo Lihui didn't push him. Tang Shi and YanXu's eyes were attracted by Guo Lang, but they didn't notice that a person was going to come out of the town. When they saw them, they turned and ran like a cat saw a mouse.

Guo Lang took another furtive look at Tang Shi, and then looked at the serrated mouse for a long time. He licked his dry lips, and he was slandering. It was obvious that he was reluctant to hand the serrated mouse over to the entrance of Meizhen. There were two fierce looking strong men with rifles on their backs. Tang Shi knew that they were awakeners when he looked at them. Beside them was a table with a box on it There were some small pieces of wood in the box. As soon as they came, they stood in the middle of the road.

"What did you get?" When one of the men came up and saw the serrated mouse tied to the tree trunk, he was displeased and said, "didn't you get any decent prey? It's a bunch of rubbish. Do you walk birds with guns every day? Come back and hunt all the rubbish. I'm going to eat sawtooth mouse meat and vomit. Put down the prey and get out of here

Although middle-aged men are angry, they can only swallow their anger.

The boy glared at the man angrily, dragging the serrated mouse in. It was the meat he was going to eat for dinner! They took it again!"What's your expression? I take you some rat meat, you are not convinced or what? You are supposed to hunt some decent prey to pay rent to the town. Since you have no ability, you can only live outside the wall. What's your dissatisfaction with paying homage to Laozi with some rat meat? I don't care about you! Get out of here Another man noticed the young man's resentful eyes, came over, put the gun to the young man's chest, and poked him. The young man kept retreating until he hit Tang Shi.

The middle-aged man hurried over to say good things, timid and respectful way: "children don't understand, you don't and he have the same opinion, we're going, we're going."

The second volume is indifferent to family relationship