Apocalypse: Counterattack of a Cannon Fodder-Chapter 79

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Chapter 79

Mayor Lin ha ha for a moment, made a gesture of invitation, "come on, I've already had people prepare this table, waiting for Mr. Tang to come, eat first, we'll talk while eating."

Tang Shi made an effort to shirk, "Mayor Lin, if you have something to say, just say it, otherwise I can't eat this meal."

I'm afraid that even if the Tang Dynasty wanted to get rid of this meal, they could not get rid of it.

Mayor Lin is such a smart man. He knows that things are not easy when he looks at the posture of the Tang Dynasty, so he doesn't want to go around the bush.

"Then I'll put it straight. I am now recruiting some awakened people to join me in the great cause. As long as we leave Lincheng safely and have a bright future for us to gallop, I have always admired Mr. Tang's strength, so I have to rely on Mr. Tang's strength to leave Lincheng. I want to invite Mr. Tang to join me. What do you think of Mr. Tang? "

Mayor Lin himself is also an awakener. He wants yuannengjing to be a lot of natural, but his qualifications are too ordinary. He was promoted four times only to level 1, and then he succeeded. After he was promoted to level 2, he tried to go to level 3, but failed many times. Yuannengjing wasted a lot, and now he is still a level 2 awakener.

"So it is." Tang Shi nodded, "that's really sorry, Mayor Lin, I don't want to join any camp at present, so Tang has no appetite for this meal."

In those days in the enemy occupied area, Tang Shi would go to the eastern checkpoint of the safe area every day, and found nothing unusual. He didn't know what Mayor Lin's plan was.

We are all smart people, and we talk till the end.

The people who followed Mayor Lin were all high-ranking government officials, boasting that the level of horse walking was first-class. Seeing that this young man was so ungrateful, Mayor Lin himself asked people not to give face, and some people immediately began to choke.

"Young man, Mayor Lin is not invited by everyone. It's your blessing that the mayor can take a fancy to you. Don't miss a good opportunity on the spur of the moment. Do you want to leave Lincheng with the military's wooden heads and the burden? I, Ding, put my words here. With those people, I can't get out of Lincheng. "

"Ah, Xiao Ding." Mayor Lin tried to stop the man from talking. He was trampled on by Tang Shi, but he still had the same smile. "We can't talk about it. We are still friends. Don't mention it. Come on. It's not too late to leave after dinner."

"I appreciate Mayor Lin's kindness, but I still won't eat this meal." The Tang Dynasty refused again and said, "goodbye."

Then he turned and walked towards the door. Mayor Lin grabbed the wine glass on the table and fell to the ground. All the awakened people hiding in the dark jumped out. There were more than a dozen of them. Each of them was tall and strong, and they knew that they had excellent physical ability. At the moment, they were staring at Tang Shi, and they were surrounded in the middle. 𝙛𝚛𝙚ewe𝗯𝓃𝗼ѵ𝚎Ɩ.𝒄o𝐦

When Tang Shi entered the door, the weapon card was clamped at his fingertips in case of any change. Instead of materializing the weapon card, he turned to look at the people in the rear.

"Mayor Lin, what does that mean?" In Tang Dynasty, the tone was flat and calm.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Tang. I kindly advise you to join us, but you don't agree. Now I can only force you to stay in this way."

"You want to kill me?" In Tang Dynasty, Mayor Lin took the glass on the table, took a drink and shook his head. I don't know if he was not satisfied with the wine when he denied Tang Dynasty.

"It's not good to kill you. You're a talent. It's a pity to kill you. I still hope you can join us. It's impossible for you to leave when you know about us, but your role is more than that."

Mayor Lin took a bite and then said, "I know you have a good relationship with major Yan. Now he can be the leader of the awakeners team. He is too stubborn. No matter what conditions I offer, he won't agree. He is now on Wu Weiguo's order to clean up the people I arranged in the awakening team, and leave you behind. Maybe major Yan can have a good understanding of the facts and let him know who he is against! Give it to me

Tang Shi's action was faster than everyone else's. the blade of war appeared in his hand. A big Silver Crescent appeared. Several people who surrounded him were injured, but they were not fatal. Tang Shi called out the ghost card bag and popped up two cards with the help of the gap between them. Two servants immediately appeared beside him, one was the iron bristled grizzly bear, the other was tall, A vicious blacksmith in the shape of bones!

As soon as the two servants appeared, they immediately slaughtered the awakened people around them!

Mayor Lin was startled. He didn't expect that there would be so many cards in the hands of Tang Dynasty. He felt a sense of crisis immediately. But he still had confidence in his masters and said in a loud voice: "don't be merciful! If you can't catch it alive, you will die! Kill him

Those awakened people also took out their life cards one after another. For a moment, card creatures or card weapons were all present. The living room seemed crowded. Mayor Lin and others were afraid of being hurt by mistake, so they all stepped back to the stairs to watch the war. The servants of the Tang Dynasty were very brave. The iron maned grey bear was a wild animal. It had the ferocity of the wild animal. The vicious blacksmith was an orange card, which was far superior to other cards of the same level. It was definitely not a good kind to have such a name. With the help of two servants, the pressure of the Tang Dynasty was relieved. He launched two shadow steps in a row to kill two awakes hiding in the rear. Usually, the awakes with minion cards will hide in a safe place to watch when the card creatures fight for them.It's not that the awakened person's physical strength will become stronger with the improvement of his physical strength. Just like you have a sword, it doesn't mean you also have swordsmanship. The truth is the same. Without actual combat ability, the final result is still death. They are just weak people with high physical fitness.

Tang Shiyi knew this and let two servants drag the card creature of the awakened one. He focused on killing the awakened one.

In a short time, Tang Shi killed several awakened people. Mayor Lin's face finally changed. He asked the awakened people who were close to him to help.

In the Tang Dynasty, the more he killed, the brighter his eyes were. The strong sense of killing and anger led to the gas of death hidden in Yuanhe. The originally dark eyes began to shine, and the green light was shining everywhere, just like two searchlights. Not only the eyes, but also his whole body began to emit dark green miasma, like the dead spirit crawling out of hell, which made people feel thrilled to see him.

Tang Shi raised his eyes and looked at the man hiding on the stairs. Mayor Lin suddenly stepped back from Tang Shi's eyes and screamed, "kill him! Kill him

During the siege of the Tang Dynasty, the awakened people also felt cold and could only fight to death. If he did not die, they would be the next to die.

There were more and more dark green breath of death, which entangled the whole body of Tang Dynasty. Like you long, he was nimble. Tang Dynasty gently read, "anger of death!"

A shrill roar, like the scream of a man and the roar of an animal, was dull and oppressive, full of pain and joy. It was the call of hell and the alarm of death. The sound rang through the whole villa. Everyone's eyes were wide open in fear. The dark green miasma that had originally twined around the body of the Tang Dynasty now broke away from the body of the Tang dynasty like a thread and condensed into an ink cloud in the air Green skeleton shape, the skeleton seems to be a living creature, shaking the skull, staring at the people on the stairs, black eyes, only bone teeth, the terrible sound is from there.

"Ah -"

the officials, who had been scared and silly for a long time, were pale and shaking like chaff, and finally could not suppress their inner fear and ran away screaming!

Skull head is like a hunting falcon, dragging a long dark green tail, "kaka kaka" bites the jaw bone with only bones, and rushes to the fleeing officials like a meteor. The person standing in the front is mayor Lin, who turns to run upstairs. Instead, he becomes the last. The first target of skull head's attack is him.

The skeleton formed by the dead air bumps into Mayor Lin and passes directly through his body. Mayor Lin feels as if he has been dug out of his heart. He is shocked all over and can't move in the same place. The skeleton is like a needle. It drills through everyone. Everyone seems to have been cast a body immobilization spell and can't move. What's more, the Yuan energy in the awakened person's body is decreasing rapidly, like being attacked by something It's like eating something.

Shouts, cries, and calls for help rang through the sky.

In the Tang Dynasty, the speed was very fast. He followed the skull and killed them with a knife. Anyone who had been drilled by the skull would be stiff and unable to move. In the Tang Dynasty, it was like a life harvester. Every knife would end a person's life

When the garrison arrived, only to see the original scenery of the mayor's home, now has become a ruin, the wall collapsed, emitting black smoke, the living room in a mess, lying in all directions are people and card creatures, a miserable scene of hell.

In such a tragic situation, only one person was still standing in it. The man's clothes were covered with blood, and his face and hair were dripping with blood. Of course, the blood was not his own, but it was splashed when he killed. The blood of the long knife in his hand kept dripping down along the tip of the knife, and there was a pool of blood on the ground.

All the soldiers came with the same expression. First they were shocked, then they couldn't believe it, and finally they were afraid. Almost at the same time, they pointed their guns at the murderer who was still at the scene!

Is this man really a killer? In his heart, the soldier could not help but wonder how he killed these people alone? How can it be successful? Mayor Lin has recruited a lot of awakening masters. They all know that They firmly believe that no one can do this. They have taken away Mayor Lin and his followers' home by their own efforts!

The leader of the team is also a major. At the moment, he is in a cold sweat. He is so anxious that someone killed Mayor Lin, someone killed Mayor Lin, and someone killed Mayor Lin! What's the point? At such a crucial moment, Mayor Lin and his government officials died in Mayor Lin's villa! Such a big thing has happened in his jurisdiction. He is a major who has done it to the end!

The major turned to look at his troops. These are ordinary people. If Mayor Lin and others were really killed by this man in front of them, they could not deal with him at all.

The major didn't act rashly. He just surrounded the villa and sent someone to inform the major general and the lieutenant general, so that they could immediately send the awakening team to pick up people. They couldn't solve such a dangerous person.

After receiving the notice, Xu Heng jumped up from his chair. He didn't have time to think about it. He strode out and went straight to the office of general Wuzhong. He didn't knock on the door, but pushed in directly. "General! The world is in a mess. Lin Wei and his party are taken away! It is said that there is only one murderer. What do you say to do? "Wu Weiguo also just received the notice, he was also shocked, but he still inquired about the murderer's information in detail, and had a guess in his heart.

Wu Weiguo is not so anxious as Xu Heng. He leans into his chair and looks relaxed.

Xu Heng is one Leng, frown a way: "can't be you send a person to assassinate Lin Wei?"

"I've thought about this plan, but I don't have anyone available. Who is Lin Wei? He is cautious everywhere. He has attracted many awakened masters around him. Even when he sleeps, he will guard two awakened masters in the room. How can he be so good at assassinating? "

"Then what is this..."