Apocalypse: Counterattack of a Cannon Fodder-Chapter 69

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Chapter 69

Yan Xu board a face, the expression is very serious, "now how is the situation in the safe area?"

Cheng Yuandao: "there is a serious shortage of food. It can't last for a few days. The senior management is discussing the transfer."

Yan Xu frowned, "still discussing?"

Cheng Yuan looked around and said in a low voice: "it's said that the government officials headed by the mayor insist on sticking to the safe area and letting the military send people to rob food again, while general Wu Zhong insists on transferring the masses. The two sides have been deadlocked for several days."

There was a sneer in the Tang Dynasty. It seems that there is still a lot of noise. Now there are more than 20 days to go before the transfer of the last life. It is estimated that those people will not be willing to move until the last second.

Tang Shi also asked about the current situation in some safe areas. Only then did he know that the number of awakened people's teams is increasing rapidly. Sacrificing the six awakened people will not have any impact on the military, and the awakened people behind will soon be able to make up for the shortage.

What Tang did not expect was that Jiang Huai died, and the position of the leader of the awakening team was vacant. The new leader was selected based on his strength and qualifications, and the person elected was Zhu Peng, the former leader of the second awakening team.

When Tang Shi was about to leave, he asked, "do you know how Jiang Huai, the former leader of the awakening team, died?"

"It should have been killed by the spider man. Except for the four awakeners, no one has come back from the old city alive."

Tang nodded, that is to say, none of the four awakened people who came back revealed that Jianghuai was killed, which made Tang safe.

It is estimated that because of the consideration of strength, no one is willing to admit that others are better than themselves, and even less willing to let others cover their own limelight. Even if the four awakened people knew and saw Tang Shi's killing, they would not tell what happened at that time.

It's been more than ten days since the failure of grain snatching. They haven't come back yet. They must have been judged dead in the old city.

As for a dead person, why should we say it to cover up their present limelight?

In Tang Dynasty, he sneered to himself, but he didn't speak any more. He went back after the pass.

Entering the second level, the soldiers were surprised to see three embarrassed people coming here.

From a distance, a soldier called out, "who are you? Why are you coming over there? "

Tang replied, "survivors."

The soldier was stunned and yelled: "stand 50 meters away and don't move!"

The soldier said to his comrades on duty beside him, "look at them, I'll inform the awakened one on duty."

The soldier, with a gun on his back, ran quickly into a shop in the rear.

There are four people sitting inside, playing cards. On the square tea table, there are several cigarettes in front of everyone.

Zhang Jian, tall and strong, threw out two K's and laughed, "I'm sure I'll win this game. Please hand in your cigarettes."

Xu Lin, a tall, thin man with a sharp mouth, touched his chin and said with a smile, "brother Zhang, if I win all the cigarettes in front of you in this game, don't blame my younger brother's ruthlessness?"

Xu Ping, a short man across from Xu Lin, said, "when did you leave love with your men? If you lose this game, let me play with your new beauty for two days. "

"Damn, I've been greedy for several days. It's really good. It's said that it's a second tier singer in the old days. Is it true?"

Xu Lin touched his thin chin and laughed obscene. "Of course, it's true. Don't mention it. I've played two stars, and I'm good at both in bed. As expected, I can't be a star without two brushes. If in the old days, such as these high female stars, Lao Tzu did not deserve to carry her shoes, now what? In order to have a good meal, she has to pose what I want her to do. She should not only pose, but also serve her comfortably. Otherwise, I will kick her out of the military family building and let her fight with the refugees to sleep in the garden. There are many beauties waiting to climb up to our awakened people and live in the family building. I think she is lucky. If you want to play, I'll introduce you another one another day. "

Xu Ping said with a smile, "OK, I'll wait."

A short and frustrated man like Xu Ping didn't even have a girlfriend in the old days, but now he has become a hot potato. There are so many people waiting to make up to him that they can not only enjoy hot food, but also choose beautiful women.

Xu Ping often laments that this new era is still good!

The soldier ran in and came to a middle-aged man with a cigarette in his mouth. The middle-aged man was ordinary and could not be found in the crowd.

"Captain Kang, three people came from the enemy occupied area and said they were survivors. Would you like to go and have a look?"

While shuffling the cards, Captain Kang said vaguely, biting his cigarette: "do you see clearly? Are you sure it's three people, not three poisoned corpses? "

In the old days, Kangsheng was a worker in a small factory with little culture. He received a salary of 2000 yuan a month, depending on the face of the boss and the team leader. In order to live, he had to swallow his pride.

Now, with the advent of the new era, he is lucky to be an awakener, and now he is still the leader of the seventh awakener team. He has become a man of honor, and he is respectfully received everywhere."It's people. They talk." The soldier stood by, stooping to speak. 𝑓𝚛𝚎ℯ𝘸𝙚𝘣𝚗𝘰νeƖ.c𝒐𝐦

Nowadays, the powerful are the masters. Like these awakened people, each of them has his own temper. They are not the common people who dare to offend. Therefore, the soldiers are very respectful when they speak.

Zhang Jian impatiently waved his hand, "it's people you deal with, we awakened people only deal with things that are not people, you don't understand this truth?"

The soldier was in a bit of a dilemma. "At this time, there are still living people coming out of the enemy occupied areas. I feel strange. I dare not make decisions without authorization, so I come to ask."

"It's strange." Captain Kang threw the playing cards on the table, stood up and said, "let's go and have a look."

If something goes wrong with them, they can't afford to be held responsible. Captain Kang doesn't want to make trouble for himself.

Zhang Jian "tut" a, "early do not come late do not come, unexpectedly card at this time, you do not want to rely on me to smoke, a can not be less!"

"Look at your promise. If you want a cigarette, you'll soon be honored with a greeting. We are the awakeners. Don't look like villains. "

The four men went out together and followed the soldiers to the second line of defense.

As soon as captain Kang saw the three people standing at the checkpoint, two adults and a child, their clothes were ragged and unkempt. He could not help but frown and gave a training to the soldiers.

"What did I tell you before? Under the condition of unknown identity, no living creature can get close to the checkpoint for 50 meters. If it is a disguised alien, who can resist the attack? If an individual has nothing to do, he will die by himself! "

The soldiers were stunned to see them standing at the checkpoint. "I just asked them to stand 50 meters away." 𝒇𝒓eewe𝒃𝑛𝒐𝘃𝒆𝚕.co𝘮

captain Kang strode over with three awakeners.

In Tang Dynasty, they were not deaf. The middle-aged man who took the lead had such a loud voice to reprimand the soldiers. Naturally, they could hear clearly.

One by one, they look proud and full of superiority. In the face of these ordinary people, they no longer regard themselves as human beings, but as their gods.

This is the era of cards, with strength, you are the superior, ordinary people can only look up to you.

Looking at them, Tang Shi only felt funny.

At first glance, the quality of the awakened people recruited by the people is far inferior to that of the awakened people trained by the army before. Not to mention their height and body shape, they can't be compared.

It seems that the military is casting a net in an all-round way. As long as it is an awakened person, it will win over and not be picky at all.

Captain Kang came over and looked the three people up and down again. Although he was disgusted with those who violated his rules, he didn't show them.

He can be the leader of the awakening team, and he is not a brainless man. How can he be a simple man if he can come back from the enemy occupied area alive?

"Where are the three from?"

Tang Shidao: "the survivors of the grain snatching mission."

As soon as the words came out, there was a sound of breathing in. Even the four awakened people changed their looks.

"There are only four survivors in the food snatching mission. Now they are all powerful captains. Who are you?"

Zhang Jian asked in a rough voice. He didn't believe that after such a long time, there would still be survivors. The old city has become a hell on earth, and there can't be human beings. He just wanted to use this identity to gain the military's re-use.

"Oh, I forgot to introduce you. This is major yanxuyan, the person in charge of the food snatching task." In the Tang Dynasty, YanXu was pushed to mingmian.

No matter the soldiers or the awakened people present, their faces changed greatly at the moment.

Although they don't know YanXu, they still know the two persons in charge of the task of robbing food last time.

One is the general leader of the awakening team, Captain Jiang huaijiang.

The other is major Yan Xuyan, who is an awakener but does not belong to the awakeners team. I heard that major Yan was very strong. When the Jianghuai general leader was still there, it was said that major Yan might be a better point than the Jianghuai general leader.

Now the legendary major Yan is standing in front of them. No matter it's true or false, we can't offend him.

No matter it's true or false, it's always right to greet someone with a smile.

Captain Kang immediately put out his hand with a smile, "it's major Yan. It's I, Kang Sheng. I don't know Taishan. Don't blame me."

Yan Xu directly ignored Kang Sheng's hand that stretched out in front of him, and said without expression: "can we go in now?"

Captain Kang's face is stiff. When the workers are often bullied, he has already trained his patience. But now, unlike in the past, he has power, strength and temper.

In front of so many soldiers to embarrass him, if he is really that Yan major also even if, if a fake, he Kangsheng must kill him!

"Of course, if someone comes back from the enemy occupied area, they have to go through physical examination to make sure they are not infected by the poisonous corpse man before they can enter the safe area. If you are major Yan, the rules will have to be changed. You can go in directly without examination. Of course, your two friends don't have to check. They can go in. "Kang Sheng's words, on the other hand, mean that even if you are major Yan, you have to abide by the rules in front of you. Physical examination is absolutely unavoidable.

Did not expect Yan Xu completely impolite, lift a step to walk in.

Kangsheng's expression was stiff again, and he could only gnash his teeth and dare not attack.

Tang Dynasty enjoyed people's expressions with great interest, followed YanXu in, followed by longmian.

Walking on the street in the safety zone, the number of pedestrians is gradually increasing, and then it is crowded.

When Tang Dynasty didn't hold back, he asked: "major Yan, who has been strict with himself and abides by the rules, actually takes advantage of his identity. It's very rare."

All the way over, Yan Xu frowned, a face of meditation, do not know what to think.

"What the military is soliciting now is a mess."

"Isn't it necessary to rely on major Yan's rectification?"

When Yan Xu came back, he stopped and looked at Tang Shi, "don't you resent me joining the military most? How did you push me out this time? "

"Even if I don't push you out, you can stop meddling in military affairs?"

Yan Xu is silent. Now he is in the military position, so he can't stay out of it.

Tang Shi smiles and pats Yan Xu's solid shoulder, "isn't this to transfer? There are people in the military. The treatment of our military family members will also be improved and the protection will be more strict. "

"It's up to you, major." In Tang Dynasty, it seemed true or false.