Ankoku Kishi Monogatari ~Yuusha wo Taosu Tameni Maou ni Shoukansaremashita~-Chapter 54: Rescue Mission

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Chapter 54: Rescue Mission

Part 1

◆Sword Maiden, Shirone

Going to Republic Ariadya was simple enough. Chiyuki-san prepared a Dimension Gate that led to the heart of Rena Temple, located in Republic Ariadya. However, we’ve never travelled through the Dimension Gate before. Because, in order to prepare the Dimension Gate, a room large enough to make the magic circle is needed.

Rena Temple was perfect for this. That’s why, unless there was a similar place in other countries, we couldn’t go there using the Dimension Gate. Perhaps, Veros Kingdom would be a good fit as well.

As for why Chiyuki refused to do so, it was apparently to keep Reiji-kun’s frivolous nature in check.

Well, that’s what she told me, not like I understand why she meant by it though.

The reason we constructed a Dimension Gate to Republic Ariadya was because the country was extremely wealthy. So Chiyuki-san wanted to turn into a second base for us.

「In short,you guys went back after escorting Reiji-kun till the 4th floor…」

「Yes, Shirone-sama.」

I was questioning a girl called Leylia.

It was strange to have a girl who was supposedly older than me, kneel in front of me.

. Leila was the priest of Republic Ariadya’s Rena Temple. And currently, we’re in one of the rooms of the said temple.

Not a lot of people worshipped Rena in Republic Ariadya, thus the temple was much smaller when compared to Oudith’s Temple.

Ariadya was a large country. Each city had about ten thousand citizens. Temples of various gods were spread throughout the country, with several priests working in each temple. Rena Temple had several dozen priests, who were led by the great priest. Leylia was one of these priests. However, she didn’t work in the temple.

Leylia was an apostle. Rena was a goddess who protected humans from demons. Thus, many priests often became an apostle, who left the temple and went out to exterminate demons. In order to exterminate them in an efficient manner, she became a freedom fighter.

We came to Republic Ariadya and met Leylia.

I heard that she lived in the Freedom City of Teseshia, located in the north, and rarely visited Republic Ariadya. But she was here right now, and the reason for that was the person who turned Leylia into an apostle, Rena’s Valkyrie. The Valkyrie ordered Leylia to cooperate with us.

And so, we came to Republic Ariadya and met Leylia.

She, her party, and severals party of freedom fighters were the one who became the guide for Reiji-kun in the Evil God’s Labyrinth.

She was currently kneeling in front of us along with the great priest in this room.

She, her party and several other freedom fighters were the ones who guided Reiji-kun in the Evil God’s Labyrinth. Right now, she was kneeling in front of us along with the great priest of the temple.

「I see, then may I ask you to guide me till the 4th floor too? 」

I asked leylia.

「Please wait a minute, Shirone-sama! ! 」

Kaya-san, who was waiting on the side suddenly interrupted.

「What’s the matter, Kaya? 」

Part 2

Kyouka-san was surprised by Kaya-san’s sudden interruption too.

「Milady, Shirone-sama. Our opponent is someone who captured Reiji-sama. Entering the base of such a cunning opponent without any kind of plan might put your life in danger.」

「But, Kaya-san! If we don’t hurry, then Reiji and the other’s lives will be in danger! .」

「That’s right, Kaya. If we don’t leave immediately, then Onii-sama might lose his life.」

Kyouka-san agreed with me.

But, Kaya-san shook her head.

「You must not be hasty, Milady. There’s still time till Reiji-sama’s execution. We might be able to pull off something till then.」

「Even if you say so… Who do you think can help us in this situation, Kaya-san?! 」

I unintentionally shouted at Kaya-san.

Her reasoning was rational, but I ended up losing my cool.

「It’s going to be impossible to rescue them if we only rely on our own power. Our enemy has captured both Chiyuki-sama and Reiji-sama. If we recklessly storm the enemy’s base, we’ll end up getting captured as well.」

Kaya-san spoke with an indifferent voice.

She was right.

Reiji-kun and Chiyuki-san were strong.

If I enter the labyrinth without any sort of strategy, I’ll end up getting captured in vain.

But, I knew that I had to do something about this situation.

Now that I think about it, I always recklessly charge into a situation without thinking first. This must be why Kuroki’s always worrying about my safety.

「That… Is there really nothing we can do in this situation, Kaya? 」

Kaya-san shook her head. Even she didn’t know what to do in this situation.

「Our power alone isn’t enough. That’s why we have to ask someone else for help.」

As she spoke, Kaya looked at Regena.

Regena was right here with us. For some reason, Kaya brought her along from Holy Republic Lenaria.

「Uhm, what’s the matter? 」

Regena was startled as she felt everyone in the room gaze at her.

「Regena-san. Can you ask for Kuroki-sama’s help? 」

Upon hearing her words, Kyouka-san and I were at a loss for words.

I see. So, the reason why Kaya-san brought Regena-san along was because she knew that we wouldn’t be able to save Reiji-kun on our own. Thus, she realized we needed Kuroki’s help.

Yes, Kuroki is certainly a powerful and reliable ally. His power is equivalent to that of a thousand armies. Regena still has some connections with Kuroki, so she should be able to contact him.

Why didn’t I think of this idea? Even though I should’ve been the first one to think about this, my stupid mind didn’t even consider this as an option.

「 Master’s help, it is? That’s impossible. Reiji-sama is my master’s and Nargol’s enemy, after all. Why must he go through all this trouble to save his enemy?」

Regena replied as she kept her eyes on the floor.

「. E-enemy? It’s not like Kuroki is our enemy. He’s Nargol’s ally only because of that witch, Kuna.」

Despite my words, Regena still rejected our plea.

「Shirone-sama. I won’t let him go to such a place. From what I know, the labyrinth’s extremely dangerous, and you’re telling me to ask my master to enter such a place? 」

. Regena turned her face away from us.

Despite Regena’s rejection, Kaya-san smiled. However, the smile seemed to be a scheming one.

「Hey, Regena-san. Shouldn’t you use this chance to meet Kuroki-san?Aren’t you the one benefitting from this situation?」

Kaya’s words left her dumbfounded.

Part 3

「 Ugh… How sly. Do you think I won’t refuse if you say that…? Fine. I’ll contact my master, but whether or not he accepts is up to him.」

Reluctantly, Regena agreed with a downcast look.

「Fufu~ Thank you very much, Regena-san.」

Kaya-san spoke with elation.

Seeing her like that hurt my conscience for some reason. However, seeing her act like that made my heart ache for some reason. Why did Kuroki teach Regena how to contact him? Why didn’t he teach me instead? I felt that Kuroki was being unfair. I should’ve been the person to be taught this first!

But… I can meet Kuroki again this way. Although I felt bad for Reiji-kun and Chiyuki-san, I was happy that I had the chance to meet him again.

◆Dark Knight, Kuroki

I was on my way to visit Heibos’s abode. I always pass by his place whenever I visit Totona’s library, but I never went inside to greet him since he didn’t like to be bothered for no reason.

Which is why I ended up missing the news of Nut getting captured along with the hero and his party.

Heibos’s parlor room was extremely messy, to the point that it looked like a warehouse. And currently, I was in the middle of the room, talking to Heibos.

「 I see… That underground place, huh? Well, it’s called a labyrinth now. You’re going to that place?」

Heibos talked with a displeased expression, as if he was recalling something unpleasant.

According to the emerald tablet, the labyrinth was the greatest cause of humiliation for Heibos. That’s why, it was a taboo to mention the labyrinth in his presence, to the point that no one in Elios dared to talk about it in front of him in fear of his wrath. However, even amongst the dwarvens, very few were aware of why he was so angry about it. Not even could read the record written about the humiliation that’s kept in Elios’ library, after all. Even I wouldn’t have known about it had Totona not specifically informed me of it.

「Yes, I need to save Nut. That’s why I came to you to acquire more information on the labyrinth, God Heibos.」

I bowed to him.

Nut was captured along with Reiji and the others. Those guys were trapped in the middle of Minon plains in the labyrinth. It was a given that Heibos, the creator of the labyrinth would know every detail about it.

「I understand. I’m indebted to that Nut fella too, after all. I’ll help you as much as I can.」

「Thank you very much, God Heibos」

I bowed to him.

「 But, Dark Knight, although it’s true that I created the labyrinth, Labyrs might have modified it afterwards. I have no way to know what kind of changes he made after he took over the labyrinth.」

Heibos spoke with a troubled face.

I guess the labyrinth right now is not the same as the original one. Fearing Modes, Labrys probably changed the entire place into his palace. Of course, Heibos would have no idea about the changes Labrys made to the labyrinth.

「 The change shouldn’t be that drastic though. I’ll be fine as long as I know the basic structure of the place.」

「I see… In that case, take this blueprint of the labyrinth with you.」

「That’s more than enough. Thank you very much.」

I gratefully bowed to him once again. Heibos turned around and took a slate carved out of a gem from the cupboard behind him. It looked like the emerald tablet. Once again, I bowed as Heibos granted me that tablet.

「Your gratitude is enough. However, the most difficult part will come after you navigate through the labyrinth. Labyrs will be waiting in the deepest part of the labyrinth. He’s extremely powerful. Are you sure you can defeat him?」

Part 4

I felt anxious. If even Heibos went to the extent of warning me, then Labrys must be extremely dangerous.

「Is Labrys… that powerful?」

「Yes, he is. He fought Modes and survived, after all.」

「I see…」

I couldn’t disagree with Heibos. If Labrys managed to survive a fight against Modes, then he truly was powerful. I’m not a match for Modes. I’m sure he’s more powerful than me. In fact, if I ever fight Modes, I don’t think I’ll be able to survive.

My anxiety only worsened.

「 On top of that, the labyrinth supposedly supplies an endless amount of power to him. As long as he’s inside the labyrinth, it’ll keep healing any wounds you manage to inflict on Labrys. How are you going to defeat him when the odds are not in your favour?」

As I pondered over Heibos’ question, I thought about how Modes seemed to be relieved when I said that I’d be fine. Looks like his worries were not for nothing.

「God Heibos, do you… have a plan that I can use to defeat him?」

「It’s next to impossible to defeat Labrys in that labyrinth. Modes might be the only one who can defeat him, but I don’t think it’s a good idea to let him use that power of destruction.」

Heibos said with a vexed tone.

A long time ago, Modes entered the labyrinth in order to save Heibos. Even then, Modes couldn’t defeat Labrys until he went all out. Modes himself wasn’t aware of the full extent of his power. Heibos had no other option than to stop the dwarves from exacting a revenge against Labrys, all due to Modes’ overwhelming power. Heibos was the one who wanted to avenge the fallen dwarves the most, since they were his beloved children. But he was unable to do so, and thus, their deaths became a painful subject for Heibos.

「That’s why, I think your best option would be to save Nut without confronting Labrys.」

「Is there a way to achieve that? 」

「Nut’s on the 5th floor of the labyrinth. That place was originally an underground garden, but looks like Labrys turned it into a prison for his human captives. The other humans he imprisoned must be there too.」

According to Heibos, Labrys’ subordinates, the minotaurs were capturing humans and turning them into slaves.

「 Do you know the safest way to rescue them from that floor? 」

「 I don’t know… That floor was not a prison to begin with. I don’t know what it looks like now, since Labrys changed it.」

「I see…」

「 But one thing is for sure, the prison must be filled with loopholes, since it wasn’t meant to be one in the first place. There must be a hidden path somewhere, make use of that.」

「Well, I guess I’ll have to start by looking for that hidden path.」


「 Aside from that Unlike Rena’s hero and his women, Nut won’t be executed. Wouldn’t it be better for you to save Nut after Labrys executes them?」

He’s right. Labrys won’t go as far as to execute Nut. I doubt he even cares about Nut’s presence. It really would be better to save Nut after the Hero is executed or released.

「 Yes, you’re right. Thank you so much for teaching me about the labyrinth, God Heibos. I guess it’s time for to me leave.」

「Be careful, Dark Knight.」

Heibos waved his hand as he sent me off.

Part 5

I bowed to Heibos once again and turned around to leave. While I was leaving, I saw a huge pile of materials on the right side of the door. Every dwarfman’s workshop usually had such materials left out like this.

「Will you come out of your hiding place now?」

I called out to the person hiding behind the pile of materials. I noticed that someone had eavesdropped on my conversation with Heibos. A figure revealed itself as the person came out of hiding, however, their face was covered with a hood.

「As expected of you, Kuroki. Is this the power of love?」

The person removed their hood, revealing an extremely beautiful face.

「You jest…. So it was you, huh, Goddess Rena.」

For some reason, I easily recognize her presence whenever Rena’s around. This was my third time meeting her. The first time was back in her temple in Holy Republic Lenaria. The second time was in Rox kingdom.

But, something about her was different this time. The way she was looking at me was even more coquettish than before and her body was covered with thicker clothes than before.

「 How did you know I’d be here, Rena? 」

I was extremely curious about it. Judging the way she eavesdropped on the conversation, she obviously knew that I’d visit Heibos’ abode beforehand. It’s not like she was already waiting in this place. I wonder how she managed to monitor my movement.

「Well, how do you think I did it?」

Rena smiled flirtatiously as she threw the question right back at me. Good grief, what on earth was this cunning goddess plotting now? I really couldn’t let my guard around her.

「 Hey Kuroki. You’re going to go into that labyrinth, right? Can I come along with you?」

She walked closer to me as she asked me that.

「I’m not going there to save Reiji.」

I averted my eyes as I replied coldly.

There was rumour going around the entire world that Rena and Reiji were going out. But she’d never struck me as the kind of woman who’d fall in love with Reiji. However, now that I’ve seen how desperately she wants to save Reiji, I’m convinced that the rumour was true. As expected, Nut’s information can never be wrong.

Honestly, I’m extremely jealous of Reiji. I mean, he has such a beautiful goddess as his lover while at the same time, he’s being waited upon by other beauties like Shirone. I want to flirt with beauties too! I’m so jealous that I can shed tears of blood!

Or at least, that used to be the case but I already have Kuna. However, it’s not like I can erase my envy towards his luck with women that easily.

That’s probably why I don’t want to save him. To think I was this petty…

Well, it’s not like he needs my help either. His party is extremely powerful. The girls in his party, and Reiji himself, are strong. Anyway, since Reiji has Shirone and the other beautiful girls by his side, I don’t think I need to save him. Shirone told me not to worry about her since she was with Reiji. So if I did help, I’d end up being a meddlesome third party. I should just do things in my own way.

「 Fufu, I’m not worried about Reiji, you see. I simply wish to be with you.」

Rena shortened the space between us, her face close to mine, as she gave me a charming smile.

Part 6


Although I was wearing my armor, my helmet was on my side, safely tucked away under my arm. So, my face was completely exposed.

That’s why I was startled when Rena’s beautiful face suddenly came up so close, just an inch away from mine. Is this one of her tricks to get me to help Reiji? She has no other reason to want to be with me.

「It’s so unfair! Why do you only stay with that girl? You should be with me if that girl isn’t by your side. It was extremely hard for me to slip out of Elios, you know? I didn’t even know when I’d get to meet you next if I missed this opportunity!」

Rena suddenly wrapped her arms around mine.

「WOAH! ? R-Rena! ! ? ?」

I was extremely troubled by this move of hers, in various ways.

By ‘that girl’, does she mean Kuna? Since Kuna was still recovering, she was in my mansion in Nargol. It took everything I could do to finally get her to rest like a good child. She kept insisting on coming along when I told I’d be visiting Heibos to seek advice on the best way to save Nut.

But, how did Rena get to know about my plans?

「Let’s go, Kuroki! If we use the dimension gate set up by Chiyuki, we can arrive immediately. We can begin the rescue operation right away!」

Rena pulled my arm, forcing me to follow her. 𝙛𝑟𝑒e𝘸𝑒𝗯𝘯𝗼𝘃el.𝒄𝒐m

I haven’t even agreed with you though…

However, for some reason, I couldn’t bear to go against her.

Part 7

◆Freedom Fighter Girl, Shizufae

「HA! !」

I swung the wooden sword at Novis.

「Woops! ! 」

But he parried my attack with his sword.

「HEYA! ! !」

Big Sis Keyna swung her pole, aiming for Novis’ side. But Novis easily dodged that swipe by jumping away.

Both of us leaping back, opening some distance between us and Novis.

As expected of the person known as the Hero of Fire. Even the two of us together were no match against him.

「Let’s stop…」

Novis relaxed his stance.

「Eh, what’s the matter, Novis? 」

「It’s not enough. I won’t improve if my training opponent is Shizufae…」

「What did you say?! You’re the one who asked me to spar with you!」

「 I mean, It can’t be helped, you know. I’m not close to any other swordsman other than Shizufae. Moreover, I’ll come out unscathed in spar against you anyway, so I don’t even feel the need to go all out. This doesn’t even count as training.」

Though Novis said those words with disappointed voice, there’s nothing I can do to made him change his mind.

Novis spoke in a disappointed voice. Nothing I could do now would change his mind.

「 Geez, even if you say that now, you knew that I wasn’t a match for you from the very beginning. So why did you suddenly ask me and Big Sis Keyna to spar with you?」

I’m curious. This has never happened before. All of a sudden, Novis wants to become stronger? What’s with that?

However, Novis refused to answer my question.

「That’s because he saw the hero of light.」

「Big sis Keyna!」

Big Sis Keyna laughed as she hugged Novis from behind.

I let out a sigh upon hearing his reason. Looks like he still considers Reiji-sama to be his rival. But, no matter what, I can’t imagine him winning against Reiji-sama. However, it’s still a good thing that he wants to become stronger.

Even Madi felt the need to work harder after she saw Black Haired Sage-sama. That’s why she went to the Sorcerer’s association in Ariadya.

Currently, we were sparring in the rear garden of the Ishtar Temple. The garden was only supposed to be used by the shrine maidens of Ishtar sama, the goddess of love and beauty, to hang their laundry. However, since I completed a lot of requests from the Ishtar temple, I get along well with the shrine maidens. So I’m allowed to use this place.

The shrine maidens of Ishtar temple are extremely open-minded. They warmly accepted me, a follower of Faeria. If someone who followed another faith visited the Faeria temple, they would urge them to convert to their faith.

It’s rumoured that Faeria and Ishtar’s followers are on bad terms with each other. But I know the truth. It’s just the Faeria’s followers’ unjustified hatred towards Ishtar’s followers. The reason lies in the difference in the two faith’s teachings. Faeria’s faith taught that one should only give their chastity to their husband, who in Faeria-sama’s case is the God King Oudith-sama.

On the contrary, Ishtar-sama, goddess of beauty, was the lover of several male gods. In short, their teachings contradict each other. Thus, Faeria’s followers hate Ishtar’s followers.

But, I don’t give a damn about their hatred, even if I myself am Faeria’s follower. Moreover, unlike Republic Ariadya, the freedom city Teseshia was the heart of Ishtar’s faith. Antagonizing the followers in their own city is a bad idea anyway.

Part 8

Keeping aside their doctrine, the shrine maidens were nice and easygoing. I came to this city when I was a child and have been indebted to them since then. That’s why, I have no right to comment on them.

I mean, aside from me, even Big Sis Keyna and Novis get along with the shrine maidens. Although, Novis seems to have hit it off with them too well. Some of the shrine maidens were obviously intending to approach Novis romantically. After all, even though he’s nothing in front of Reiji-sama, Novis is still an amazing man.

「 Ha~ Don’t you think you should start by looking for a proper teacher first? 」

Novis shook his head upon hearing my words.

「I tried that option long ago. But ever since I fought with my previous swordsmanship teacher, every single training place has rejected me.」

「Come to think of it, something like that did happen, huh? How about looking for a teacher in this city then?」

A long time ago, Novis destroyed a swordsmanship training place. That place didn’t suit Novis’ personality, but because of that, every other training place refused to train Novis.

「 You should try asking the hero of light to teach you, young man. He’s strong, so it won’t be a problem if you go all out against him.」

I looked towards the direction of the voice and found Nora-san approaching us.

「Please stop calling me that, Nora-san. I’m not a young man anymore.」

「Ah, my bad. I forget how fast a human grows in such a short time.」

And from Nora-san perspective, all human were children. I have no clue how old Nora-san is. She’s probably well over hundred years old. From Nora-san’s perspective, all humans are children.

「 Novis, I think Nora-san’s advice is great.」

But, even if Reiji-sama’s strong, whether or not he’d be willing to teach Novis was another matter. Well, it would be better than having Novis spar against us all the time.

「You’re right. But somehow, it just feels…」

Novis seemed reluctant.

「Well, you aren’t willing to ask the hero of light, right? How about asking the Maiden of Sword to teach you?」

Big Sis Keyna grinned as she suggested that.

. I don’t know why, but I think Big Sis Keyna hates Reiji-sama.

「The Maiden of Sword? Who in the hell is that, Big Sis Keyna? 」

「 What?! I can’t believe you don’t know about her, Novis! She’s the hero of light’s comrade, you know? I heard that her swordsmanship is better than the hero of light’s.」

「Is that true, Big Sis Keyna?!」

Novis yelled.

Come to think of it, Chiyuki-sama told me about this. Other than the girl who dove into the labyrinth back then, there was another girl called Maiden of Sword in their party. If I’m not wrong… Her name’s Shirone. Her swordsmanship is known to resemble a dance. Last I heard, she was on the move by herself. I think she should be in the northern lands right now.

「 But… What will you do to get her to teach you? Right now, she’s in a distant place, you know?」

「Ah, Shizufae, I heard she was in this region. It seems that Leylia personally met the Maiden of Sword.」

「Eh, seriously?! 」

I was told that Leylia-san went to Rena’s temple in Republic Ariadya for religious reasons. I didn’t get the chance to ask why she needed to visit the temple, but I never thought that she was summoned by the Maiden of Sword.

Part 9

「I see, so the Maiden of Sword is in this region, huh? She must be a beauty, right? Ehehe~」

Novis’ worldly desire was evident.

Good grief, what the hell are you thinking about, Novis? It’s extremely vexing. Well, I don’t think Novis stands a chance because of Reiji-sama anyway. But there’s one thing I’m worried about. Just what kind of a person is the Maiden of Sword? I wanted to take swordsmanship lessons from her too. I wanted to become stronger, being weak was absolutely miserable.

The Maiden of Sword Shirone-sama… I wanted to meet her.

「NOVI~S! ! 」

A familiar voice called out to Novis. It was our old acquaintance!

「「Justy! ! 」」

Novis and I called out her name.

Justya. Justy for short. She’s our childhoof friend and the shrine maiden of Ishtar-sama. Since we’re of the same age, we became acquainted after I came to this place. We used to play together with Madi and Novis.

Justine made a beeline towards us.

「You should’ve told me you were back the moment you returned from your mission, Novis!」

She hugged Novis tightly. It seems she hadn’t met him after he returned from his mission in the north.

「GUFUU! ! 」

It seemed like Novis was in pain.

Justy’s quite chubby and her raw power is enought to make a man lose his face in front of her. That’s why Novis was in pain instead of being delighted about being hugged by a woman.

In fact, Justy is Godan, the hero of earth’s, little sister. We got to know about this matter only a few days ago. I was extremely surprised when I first heard it. Although, I couldn’t deny it since she resembles her brother so much.

「Oh my, Shizufae. You’re here too? 」

Justy asked as she kept clinging onto Novis. She’s always had a thing for him and for some reason, she assumed I was her rival in love. That made her hostile towards me. But something like that is impossible.

Keeping the matter of her hostility aside, I’m not pleased to hear that she didn’t notice me despite the fact that I was standing right next to Novis.

「 You didn’t realize I was here the whole time, Justy? Ah, my bad! My body isn’t as big as yours, after all.」

I smiled as I subtly glanced at her stomach.

「That’s right, Shizufae. Since your breasts are so small, I could barely see you!」

「HAAAH! !」

My breasts definitely aren’t small. They’re at least bigger than Madi’s or Nora-san’s. On the other hand, Justy was just oversized!

It’s not like I’m annoyed by that though, since her body itself was oversized. I’m just vexed about her comment…

「What are you so proud about?! Yours are just a lump of fat!」

「I’m not fat! I’m just chubbier than the average girl!」

Justy and I glared at each other.

「Wait! Please wait! YOU GUYS ARE KILLING NOVIS!!」

Big Sis Keyna suddenly interrupted our quarrel. Upon a closer look, Novis, who was still in Justy’s embrace, had started foaming at his mouth.


Justy immediately released him from her bear hug and shook him by his shoulders in an attempt to wake him up.

Justy… You’re too awesome. You almost strangled the hero of fire to death.

Read Bamboo Forest Manager