A Professor of Magic at Hogwarts-Chapter 484: The Maze Castle - Dialogue on the Seventh Floor

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Chapter 484: The Maze Castle - Dialogue on the Seventh Floor

An hour flew by in the blink of an eye.

"The match is getting more exciting. The outcome is still uncertain. Let me summarize—"

"Potter's group is still in the lead. Their quick assembly has given them an absolute advantage. Whether it's the bogarts, devil's snare, or the reversed traps, they breezed through effortlessly. Currently, they've just entered the fifth level of the maze."

"The second team's three champions have reached the fourth level, but they haven't gathered yet. One of them just entered; it'll probably take until the fifth level for them to meet. Some might wonder why they aren't using amplification spells. The hedges are enchanted, greatly diminishing sound and light... Potter's magic is an exception."

"Vagado's champions have maximized their strengths. Let's remember Lashawn Elephendi's name. He showcased the wildest power of the African plains in the first two tasks. But this time, he showcased incredibly delicate transformation control. As the third team to enter, Elephendi used elephant vibrations to locate teammates, successfully meeting in the first maze level. Afterward, Blanzigo transformed into a blue hawk, swiftly finding the entrances to the second and third levels. Their team used vibrations again for positioning, heading straight for the entrance. Their efficiency was astounding, nearly catching up to Potter's group. However, Vagado's champions faced a challenge in the fourth level when Blanzigo got entangled in thorny walls. Now, they've switched to having Nona Leberth lead the way—this girl is exceptionally fast, and they're the only team with a chance to surpass Potter's progress."

"Next is Beauxbatons; they're in the third level, all nearing the fourth level. They might meet at the entrance."

"Durmstrang's strategy is noticeably different. Krum has been on the fourth level for a while, but his two teammates are on the third level. It seems they've devised a plan, indeed! Adim Buweck paused at the upward entrance of the third level; he's waiting for another person. I get it! Their plan involves the strongest person continuously forging ahead while the slightly weaker two travel together. Clever move! You see, the third maze level isn't as perilous, and it's also one-third smaller in size..."

"Lastly, Uagadou, they've just reached the second level, entering half an hour late. No, they've adopted the same strategy as Durmstrang! However, they've chosen three individuals to proceed together, although they've lost time initially. Considering their combined magic displayed in the previous tasks, their speed will likely be very high from now on."

The audience anxiously watched the screen, clutching various flags, even the judges on the referee's stand were glued to the scene.

"Will they meet? Will they?" Mrs. Granger covered her face, leaving scratch marks with her nails.

"I think they will... conflict is inevitable," Sirius mumbled nearby.


"The fifth level is too dark," Ron whispered. Until the third level, there were blue-flamed candles, but they became sparser. By the fourth level, they could barely discern the color of the hedges from the darkness, and now, there was no light at all.

Harry and Ron held their wands, prepared for sudden dangers. Hermione, controlling a white flame, stayed slightly behind, illuminating a small area above their heads. They struggled to lift their legs from the vine-laden ground, trudging for ten minutes to cross this lengthy corridor.

"I don't believe there could be anything weirder ahead," Ron said.

"Don't jinx it."

They turned a corner, and suddenly, the world flipped. Harry found himself standing on the ceiling. Blood rushed to his head, a similar experience when he got caught in a golden mist in the second maze level, hanging upside down in an endless void. That trap tested the champion's courage, demanding them to firmly pull their legs out...

He attempted but raised a leg with no response; he was still standing on the ceiling. Unstable footing almost made him stumble—not downward, but onto the ceiling. Blood pounding in his ears made it hard to think. Then, he heard Hermione saying, "I think we need to walk out like this."

Harry was about to ask how when he saw Hermione cautiously moving forward. After about a minute, she dropped from the ceiling.

"Avada Kedavra!" She softly landed mid-air, looking at Harry and Ron. "Just keep walking on the ceiling as if it's the ground, but brace for the discomfort of blood rushing upwards."

Soon, Harry and Ron safely made it out.

"It's strange; gravity still exists, but we're being held to the ceiling by a stronger force..." Hermione glanced back reluctantly.

"What's gravity?" Ron asked.

"The force that keeps us firmly grounded," Hermione explained simply.

"Isn't that obvious?" Ron was puzzled.

"Lower your voice, don't attract any creatures," Harry warned.

For the next ten minutes, they encountered quicksand traps. Ron remembered Hermione's previously used levitation charm, breezing through. Next, they encountered a narrow bridge over an abyss instead of water, where the levitation charm failed. Harry crossed effortlessly, "This is much easier than Quidditch."

Ron was a bit slower but successfully crossed. When it was Hermione's turn, she hesitated, "I... uh, I'll try..." She trembled, peeking down and quickly recoiled.

Harry and Ron exchanged glances—Hermione seemed to use flying brooms rarely.

"Don't worry, it's not dangerous—"

"Yeah, you've attended flying classes and passed the exam!" Ron tried to recall, seeking Hermione's help.

"It's Nona Leberth!" Hermione said, "Looks like she chose to separate from her teammates, embarking on her own adventure. Her speed is remarkable; we need to hurry!"

They jogged, encountering two dead ends before navigating a narrow and rugged path where a colossal creature blocked the way.

"It's a sphinx," Hermione whispered.

They nervously continued, the white flames illuminating its body. With a beautiful woman's head, it seemed lost in thought. Upon hearing movement, it raised its head and took a couple of steps forward, speaking in a deep, hoarse voice.

"You're close to the stairs leading to the next level. The fastest way is through me. All you need—"

"What season is the shortest?" Hermione interrupted.

The sphinx's beautiful eyes blinked. Hermione continued, "What's something that's clearly yours but everyone can use?"


"There are always lies in the newspaper, but what's something that's always true?"

The sphinx fell into contemplation again.

Hermione waved them over, carefully passing by, the sphinx ignoring her. Harry and Ron followed suit, breathing cautiously, until they covered a considerable distance, relieved to see the staircase to the sixth maze level.

"Hermione, how did you know?" Harry gasped.

"Hagrid mentioned it to us, don't you remember? If you can quickly answer three riddles, it confuses them. I wasn't entirely sure..."

Outside the maze castle.

"Someone's catching up to Potter's group; it's Vagado's champions. However, Potter's group entered

the sixth level first, but it doesn't prove much. Nona Leberth is too fast; she's shielded with many protective spells, cast by her teammates."

"Nona took a detour, the sixth level is within reach! Maybe she'll beat them to the seventh level, putting Potter's team at a disadvantage," Bagman shouted. "Other champions are gathering, mostly on the fourth level. Potter's initial advantage is quickly diminishing. Who will claim the championship? Let's wait and see!"


The seventh maze level was only half the size of a school auditorium, eerily empty. At the maze's center lay a stone. On it rested a trophy.

Felix sat on the stone, murmuring, "The trophy indeed had a spell cast on it. It didn't change its original destination; it added a middle point... a clever way, nearly undetectable without careful scrutiny."

"Yes, Professor," a muffled voice responded from his hat.


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