A Journey That Changed The World.-Chapter 980: Signal The Fleet

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Chapter 980: Signal The Fleet

[DRN Archer's Pride - Olivia Anderson]

The First Fleet was steaming south when pirates and Alliance ships ambushed it. Thanks to the hundreds of cannons, the enemy fleet was turned into scrap metal as the flagship plowed through it.

Explosions rang across the surface, allowing the fleet to hear their victory, 'We can make it back to the island without losing too many friendly ships,' she pondered while looking out the window.

Olivia worried for her lover but knew he would be fine. She shook her head and ordered the fleet to fire at will whenever they saw enemy ships. It took them nearly four days to pass through the Death Mist, reach Draconia, and pass through it.

They were lucky, as the largest battle fleet that Thrylos had ever seen was chasing after them. The vessels were letting off volleys of mana shells that arced in the air before landing on some Cruisers, causing them to explode.

'Not good,' Olivia thought before giving out an order to boost the mana shields while retaliating with their own volley.

She witnessed many enemies explode, which lit up the surrounding sea. The relentless assault of the Alliance fleet battered the First Fleet as it fought its way home. Explosions lit the darkening sky as mana shells collided, sending plumes of water and smoke into the air.

Olivia stood at the flagship's bridge, her eyes sharp as she observed the chaotic battlefield through the viewport. "Report!" she barked, her voice cutting through the din of alarms and cannon fire.

"Enemy vessels closing in from all sides, Captain! The Alliance's main fleet is just off our port side, and we're taking heavy damage to the aft sections!" shouted Lieutenant Hartley, her tactical officer, as he wrestled with the controls.

"Prepare to counterattack!" she quickly ordered, her voice steady despite the chaos. "Engage evasive maneuvers and fire at will. We need to break through their formation."

The fleet's gunners sprang into action, the mana cannons roaring to life as Mana shells arced through the air, glowing with potent energy as they streaked toward the enemy ships. Each impact was met with a burst of fire and debris.

Despite their efforts, the Alliance pressed their advantage, their ships closing in relentlessly. Enemy vessels maneuvered precisely, their cannons and ballistae firing in volleys. One of the cruiser's engines flared up in a fiery explosion as a well-placed strike from an Alliance ship breached its defenses.

"Captain, we've lost the forward ships!" Hartley's voice was edged with concern. "They're taking direct hits!"

"Divert power to the remaining shields! Keep those enemy ships off our ships!" Olivia commanded, her mind racing. She glanced at the viewport, where the distant silhouette of their home island began to appear through the haze of battle.

The sight filled her with hope, and she exclaimed excitedly and with a big smile, "We're almost there. Push through!"

With a final, desperate effort, the remaining ships closed ranks, forming a protective wall around the flagship as it barreled toward the sanctuary of their island home. As the enemy forces regrouped for one final assault, Olivia's flagship broke free from the tightest encirclement, revealing the coastline of their island.

When the first rays of dawn began to pierce the fog, casting a golden light on the weary but victorious fleet. The Alliance, outmaneuvered and outgunned, withdrew with a final, frustrated volley of fire before disappearing into the distance.

The battle was over, but the damage of the conflict remained etched across the fleet. Olivia allowed herself a moment of relief as she watched their home island grow nearer. She knew there would be repairs and losses to mourn.

"Signal the fleet to prepare for dock," Olivia said, her voice softening as she turned to her crew. "We're going home."

Soon enough, they passed through the Death Mist and were safe from the Alliance ships. She ordered them into port for repairs and to find out how many sailors and ships they lasted during the battles.

Talila, Meredith, and Ari hurriedly disembarked from the vessel to report to the queens about the events on the island, including Archer's destruction of the Teleportation Blocker.


[Novgorodian Imperial Palace - Novgorod Empire - Verdantia]

Emperor Anatoly Volkovitch was sitting in his study going through the Alliance's troop numbers when he was interrupted by one of his top generals rushed into the room excitedly as he declared, "The plan worked, Your Majesty. The White Dragon and some of his wives were killed in the explosion."

When he heard that, excitement welled inside him as he questioned in a restrained voice while sitting up straight, "Has that horrible mist gone? We can't do anything while it's still there, Rodrick."

The man's expression instantly changed before answering nervously, "No, Your Majesty. The admirals are trying to breach it while our reached division is looking for a way to get through

it." freewёbn૦νeɭ.com

"How long is it until we see results, general?" Anatoly questioned with a curious voice while tapping the chair he was on.

When Rodrick heard the question, he thought briefly before answering, "A few months. I spoke to Vlad yesterday, and he said they are trying to develop a shield that can protect our vessels as they travel through it."

Anatoly nodded before dismissing the general so he could think. While doing that, he thought, 'Is the devil truly dead? Jeremiah was convinced it would work, but this feels too easy,' he pondered.

He reached over to pick up an old report that his spies had sent him many years ago, claiming the White Dragon had a Monster Army waiting to be unleashed on the world, but it was dismissed as Draconian propaganda.

'What if it is true? Maybe we should investigate,' Anatoly mused before summoning his wife, Anastasia, as she was the Novgorod Spy Master.

Anatoly ordered her to try breaching the trade ships that occasionally appeared, but fate wasn't on their side. Thanks to the close-knit community of Draconia, every spy caught got tied up and thrown overboard.

'Both my sons have sworn to deal with this issue,' he mused. 'It will be a good test for them.'

This angered the empire and the families of the lost sailors who wanted revenge, but thanks to the Draconian ship's speed, they could never be captured. Reports told of many fortresses being bombarded by enemy ships that raided the coastline.

The Novgorodian navy tried to defend the coast, but thanks to the Alliance, which always needed vessels, their fleets were depleted until the empire could construct more. Anatoly signaled the other realms to focus on building their military strength while building a combined fleet.

'If this continues, we can win the upcoming war,' Anatoly pondered while rubbing his chin.

Over the next few months, the Alliance military dwarfed the Draconains, which pleased Anatoly as they would be prepared for anything. He contacted the Pope to see how the Chuch Of Light's recruitment was going.

Jeremiah informed him that the church has recruited a few million and is still growing as more people join the cause to kill the Devil King of Draconia, which Anatoly found amusing

due to the boy being entirely innocent.

The world fell for their propaganda easier than he ever expected, but it rallied hundreds of empires and kingdoms to his side. Once they took over the island, they would benefit from the advanced technology that rumors claimed the boy owned.


Pope Jeremiah Volkovitch was celebrating the death of the White Dragon, for which he had been praying for eight years. He also met with his generals to report on the new armies and navies raised since the Pluoria conquest.

'We need another story to fire up the people,' he pondered with an evil smile. 'Maybe we can spread a rumor about him kidnapping women to have his way with them.' Afterward, Jeremiah left his mansion to meet with his Knight Commander, who would lead the church forces in retrieving his granddaughter Sofia and capturing the White Dragon. The thought of having the boy locked in the dungeons below excited him, and soon enough, he ran into a woman he didn't want to see.

"Little Jeremiah. Why are you trying to get my little sister in trouble?" Catherine Volkovitch spoke in an annoyed voice.

He turned around, but the woman grabbed him by the neck and lifted him in the air with ease, causing the surrounding guards to threaten her. Jeremiah watched her red eyes glow before she clicked her fingers, and the soldier's heads exploded into blood mist.

Once Catherine had done that, he noticed her gaze land on him as she continued speaking, "All you've gone and done is wake up a giant who will be extremely angry when he returns

even stronger."

Jeremiah laughed at the notion before responding, "You think the devil still lives Witch of


The grey-haired woman started laughing as she nodded, "The gods want him to live to fight the coming darkness, little Pope, and it's been years since you ruined your own destiny by not working with the boy."

A confused expression appeared on his face before asking, "What are you talking about?"

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Catherine shook her head with a laugh before vanishing, leaving Jeremiah alone in the mansion garden. Following that, he organized the forces for the incoming war with Draconia.

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