A Court of Lost Stars-Chapter 22: Monsters in the Trees

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Chapter 22: Monsters in the Trees

With a clack of the chess piece, Cassian stared down at the board, mouth agape. He slowly glanced up at a beaming Nova, who had just won their game.

"Did she just win?" Feyre asked, quickly leaning across the table as if her eyes were deceiving her. Next to her, Rhys grinned so wide his cheeks hurt.

"I did it!" Nova shouted proudly, slamming her hands down on the table's surface and sending the pawns crashing to their side.

"How?" Cassian sputtered. "She's never played before!" He blinked in shock, but meeting Nova's delighted eyes, he couldn't help but grin. "You are too smart for your own good, kid." He chuckled. "Fine, you earned it fair and square." Cas pulled a gold coin from his pocket and set it on the table for her, which she snatched up without hesitation.

"Cassian!" Feyre scolded.

"What?! I didn't think she'd win!"

Rhys threw his head back and cackled as Nova carried Potato to the couch to sit next to Azriel.

"Finch?" She asked, tilting her head to the side as she studied him.

The day after the incident in the forest, Az and Cas had escorted Finch to Windhaven, where they introduced him to Ansel. In an effort to undo what Devlon had created in their absence—forcing young Illyrians to the camp before they were of age— they hesitated what to do with Finch. Let him clean the barracks? Sharpen the weapons? After deliberating with Rhys and asking Finch what he'd like to do. Shortly after, he joined Windhaven to train as an Illyrian Warrior.

Az smiled gently. "Finch is still settling in at the camp. I can take you to visit him soon, but not today."

With a pout of her lips, Nova dramatically collapsed backward on the couch, but the sound of Ana entering the townhouse quickly perked her back up.

Ana smiled in greeting, her eyes drifting over Azriel for perhaps a moment too long before settling her gaze on Nova. "Are you ready to go?"

"Go?" Nova asked, leaning back against Azriel's frame

Her mother walked toward her with a sly smile. "We must go to the Winter Court today for a meeting with Kallias and Vivane. Would you like to visit Hollis?"

Gasping with a grin, she sat up straighter. "Pearl?"

Feyre didn't have the heart to correct her. She nodded. "Ana will be going too. So no funny business." She pointed a playful finger at her, but Nova just laughed. As if she knew just how much of a menace she could be.

Falling backward against Azriel again, she grabbed his hand and pushed with all her might. He chuckled and locked his arm into place, keeping his palm up and letting her try to move it backward. It was an impossible feat for Nova, especially with her still tender hands, but she always tried her strength to see if it might be the day she won. Ironically, she never won at tug-of-war with Cassian, either.

Nova was beginning to think the system was rigged.

"Alright, psycho," Rhys chuckled, "Time to go."

Narrowing her eyes at Azriel, who grinned back, Nova scooped Potato into her arms and rolled off the couch to get her coat and mittens on.

"Sweetheart," Feyre pursed her lips, "I think it would be best if Potato stays here. Elain will be here any moment to keep an eye on her."

Though disappointed, Nova carefully set Potato down on the rug in front of the fire. She didn't hesitate to curl up and start snoozing. With an annoyed pout, Nova wondered if she would even miss her.

This chapter is updated by freēwēbnovel.com.

"Come on, Nova. They expect us there in just a few minutes." Feyre said as she worried her lower lip. The topics they were meant to discuss had been on her mind all night, keeping her tossing and turning until Rhys had to...tire her out and, in doing so, ease her mind.

Ana frowned as she glanced at the clock. "Only a few minutes?" She asked. Oh, dear, she thought. She should have gotten a headstart with a carriage.

Smiling crookedly, apologetically, Rhysand nodded. "We'll be winnowing," he pursed his lips. "I should have mentioned that earlier. It's best to close your eyes." He said, extending his hand to her.

Oh, she didn't want to.

She really didn't want to. But it was for Nova. She could do it for Nova. Hesitantly, she took his hand. Nova latched onto his other arm with a wide grin.

"Close your eyes." Azriel quickly reminded Ana. She quickly pinched them shut as the wind whirled by her ears, and suddenly, her feet were cold in the snow. Swaying off balance to the side, she fell against a firm body. With a hand under her elbow, Azriel frowned. "Are you alright?"

Ana nodded, gritting her teeth to fight the nausea as she slowly opened her eyes. While Ana tried not to throw up, Nova fell into the snow and rolled to prolong the dizzy sensation.

"You little weirdo." Cassian bellowed a laugh, shaking his head at Nova's giggles, but she rolled to her belly and lifted her head excitedly as the view of the stables came into sight. She scrambled to her feet, slipping as she did, and started sprinting toward where she knew the horses would be held.

Rhys winnowed in front of her before she could get too far. With a patient smile, Rhys said, "We need to greet our guests first."

With a frown and a longing stare, Nova followed her father across the lawn to the estate where the Winter Court waited for them. Upon entering the massive doors, they greeted each other with smiles.

"Ball?" Nova asked, looking for the decorations, but they weren't as extravagant as the last time she was here.

Chuckling, Kallias shook his head. "Not this time, but we're glad you enjoyed it." He glanced over at Hollis, who quietly watched Nova. "Hollis, you can give Nova a tour if you'd like. If that's alright, of course." Kallias addressed Feyre and Rhys.

Feyre nodded. "Of course," she smiled. "I think she'd love that. Ana is here to accompany her." She nudged Ana to speak.

With a slightly bewildered expression, Ana quickly composed herself. She wasn't used to being asked to speak in front of others. Usually a shadow in the background, she was always watching, always observing, never to be brought into the light.

Introducing herself obligingly with a respectful nod, she said, "I'm Nova's governess."

"It's a pleasure," Vivane smiled, "Make yourselves at home. Hollis knows the safe areas of the palace." She turned her attention to her son. "Mind the horses, Hollis."

"Yes, Mother," Hollis replied obediently; they'd already discussed how keeping Nova away from the more dangerous stallions would be nearly impossible. So they compromised that she could go only if she didn't touch them or draw too close.

Smiling fondly, she caressed the back of his neck. "We'll call you all when it's time to eat."

With that, Hollis stepped toward Nova. "We can see the horses if you'd like."

"Yes!" Nova shouted with sudden excitement, turned on her heels, and raced toward the door.

Glancing at Feyre and Rhys with an amused, knowing expression before following Nova and Hollis out into the cold. She was suddenly glad to be wearing her thicker gloves today. She didn't try to catch Nova but instead paced herself behind them. Allowing Hollis to direct first, but if she felt obstinate today, Ana was ready to step in.

Slipping through the stable doors, Nova immediately started sprinting toward the end, where she knew a particular stallion would be standing.

"Nova, wait!" Hollis called after in exasperation. At this rate, they'd be breaking every rule his parents had set, and the thought of it created a deep ache in his stomach.

"Nova." Ana's firm voice of authority cut through the stables, and Nova skidded to a stop, nearly toppling into a pile of horse waste. Nova looked over her shoulder at Ana and frowned as she calmly said, "You need to wait."

"Not fast enough," Nova grumbled, impatiently waiting for them to catch up with her.

When Hollis finally reached her, he had a deep frown and a worried scowl. "You need to stay with me..."

Taking in his expression, Nova frowned. "Mad?" She whispered.

"I'm not mad," Hollis said gently. "I just need to keep you safe here, and when you run away, I can't do that. You're... my responsibility." Knowing about the prophecy and what was destined to come, he felt an almost unsettling urge to protect her.

Nova stared at him pensively. "No," she corrected, "I am Nova."

"Well, yes, I know that, but-"

Cutting him off, she said, "I am Nova. Not re...re...." She crinkled her nose when the word he'd used wouldn't produce on her tongue. Spinning away, Nova started again toward the back end of the stables.

Sighing, Hollis followed her, with Ana just behind him. She smiled softly, "How are you today, Hollis?" She asked kindly.

Hollis managed a small smile and nodded, "I'm alright." Though, he was unable to take his eyes off Nova as she approached the stall she had during the Solstice Ball. "Nova. My mother says you can look but not..." He blinked as the stallion extended his head toward Nova and nuzzled her hair.

Giggling, Nova squirmed his lips and grazed at the hair at her neck with a soft whinny.

"How does she do that?" Hollis asked, brows furrowing.

"What's that?" Ana asked, glancing at him.

The usual brute of a horse nosed Nova's shoulder again, bringing out giggles from her as she lovingly stroked his muzzle.

Hollis smiled softly and shrugged. "I don't know..." He murmured, not willing to finish his thought out loud.

"We've received the letters too," Kallias said as he looked down at the numerous pieces of parchment that Rhys slid across the space to him. He shook his head and sighed, "They aren't threats. What more can be done?"

"They're implied threats." Cassian frowned and glanced at Rhys, who said nothing in return. "We can assume they'll act on it at some point."

Kallias frowned, "But act on what? Beron doesn't specify what will happen if we don't reassess. I don't want to ignore the issue, but this may be what he wants."

"You think he's baiting?" Feyre asked, pursing her lips, unable to look away from the collection of letters. At first, they appeared once or twice a week; now, they seem to appear multiple times a day.

Kallias continued, "I wouldn't put it past him to attempt to manipulate a reaction from us. " He drummed his fingers on the table. "If we engage him after he's sent requests, not threats, our credibility will wane with the others. Nova softened hearts at the Spring Court once, but that may not be enough if there's a next time."

"We can't let there be a next time." Rhys agreed with a frown, leaning back in his chair. He rubbed his jaw thoughtfully. "But we need to be on our guard, not just against Beron. Anyone could decide they're not willing to risk their Court. Fear in powerful hands is a devastating weapon."

Viviane pressed her glass of wine to her trembling lips. The thought that Hollis may not be as safe as she presumed parched her throat. "What do we do then? Wait for it to escalate?" She accepted the squeeze of her mate's hand.

"We keep every artifact he sends our way," Rhys replied with a firm nod. "Everything. I don't care what it is. We keep it if it comes from another Court, the Autumn Court specifically. When we have enough that consummates another meeting, we'll have plenty of proof of their harassment. The vote was final. Beron can't simply revert. Not without consequence."

The front door opened and closed, and the sound of Nova laughing drifted through the palace, and Rhys couldn't stave off his smile. At least their star could have these moments of laugh-filled innocence.

Oh, to find joy even in the darkest times.

After removing their hats and coats, Nova and Ana followed Hollis down a grand hallway that led up a spiral staircase. It was all so glossy Nova could see her reflection in the handrail as she hopped on each step.

Hollis glanced over his shoulder and smiled before he, himself, hopped to the next step, too. Grinning from ear to ear, Nova hopped again, and together, that was how they made it to the top of the stairs.

Laughing, Hollis smiled down at Nova. "I don't think I've ever done that."

Nova tilted her head, confused, but listening as they walked down the hallways. Ana a quiet whisper behind them, a shade away from being forgotten.

"I don't really do the things you do," Hollis admitted when she didn't respond and glanced at her sheepishly, "I'm not quite that brave."

"Brave?" Nova asked.

"You're, I think, the bravest person I've ever met. That's a good thing."

Down the hall, they turned and entered a large room with rich, chocolate wooden floors and soft, cream-colored sofas. The biggest feature, aside from the massive arching windows that stretched from the floor to the ceiling, was the grand piano in the middle of the room. The brilliant white instrument was the room's centerpiece.

"This is my favorite room," Hollis said and stole a quick look at Nova, who moved toward the piano as if in a trance.

"Beautiful..." She murmured as she approached. Unable to resist, she brushed her fingers along the delicate ivory keys and grinned when it sang back to her.

Swallowing nervously, Hollis nodded at the bench. "You can sit," he said as he pulled the bench out and took a seat, "It's a piano."

"Piano?" Nova asked, sitting next to him. "Black?" She asked, pointing to the keys at the top. "White?" She pointed below.

Hollis smiled and placed his fingers over the keys, his thumbs finding their place naturally as he did almost every evening. "Each key is a note to play. A sound to make. When you put them together, they make music."

"Music..." Nova repeated dreamily.

With his left hand, Hollis played a continuous tune while his right hand drifted up and down the length of the keys. Nova watched, unable to look away. She could do nothing but be enveloped in the sweet music that hugged her soul.

The melody ended, and Hollis started pulling his hands away, but Nova took hold of his arm gently. She looked up at him with wide, desperate eyes. "More?" She whispered. "Please?"

Letting out a shaky sigh, a warm smile curved Hollis' lips as his fingers returned to the keys. He knew then he'd play forever if she asked it of him.

After a while, Ana asked Nova if she'd like to see more of the palace or, at the very least, get a drink. Saving Hollis from the finger cramps he felt coming. He was sure they'd end up back in this room, but he didn't mind.

"There's a quicker way to the kitchens through here," Hollis said, opening and walking through a conjoined door inside the room, past the chairs, and to the left. It led into another room filled mostly with antiques. "This way." He said, walking toward another door, but Nova took a moment to spin in a slow circle in the middle of the room.

On the wall opposite the windows was a massive glass showcase. Inside, standing at full height, was a monstrous-sized animal with snow-white fur and massive paws with claws the length of tiny daggers.

Grinning, Nova hopped in front of it and cried out, "Boo!" She giggled, staring at the creature, its maw gaped open to show its yellowed canines.

"Nova," Hollis smiled, "It's an ice bear. It can't hurt you."

Nova knocked on the glass and waited for a response, but the ice bear didn't move. A slow realization crept into Nova's understanding. Then, suddenly, she leaped back with her hands to her mouth.

"Dead?" She asked, voice straining through the tears that fell freely down her cheeks. "Dead..." A strangled sob caught in her throat as Ana's arms wrapped around her shoulders.

"Hey," she murmured comfortingly, turning her away from the taxidermied bear and pulling her into a hug. "It's okay to be sad," Ana whispered as she guided Nova out of the room. Meeting Hollis' wide eyes, Ana smiled tenderly as she searched for the right words but couldn't place them. "Let's take a walk, shall we?" She asked them, looking down at Nova, whose eyes were red-rimmed and her face splotchy.

"I'm sorry," Hollis said in a quavering voice. "I didn't think..." He trailed off.

Ana spoke gently, "There is nothing to apologize for, Hollis." He had not put the bear there to hurt Nova, nor had he brought her through to purposely cause a reaction. To him, it was normal—something he'd always been exposed to. It was a delicate subject she didn't feel was her place to speak on. "Come on, we could all use some fresh air."

The cool air relieved Nova's warm cheeks as they walked over crunchy ice outside. Hollis continued to lead them to the kitchens, where they all had a glass of water and proceeded to the back gardens.

"It's safe to be in the gardens. The wolves and bears don't usually come this close, but we can't go near the forest edge." Hollis glanced at Nova, but she hadn't looked at him since seeing the ice bear in his parent's collection. She did, however, look up to stare at the towering fir trees across the deserted, icy plain.

"Trees," Nova said, taking a step forward, but Hollis took her hand. She looked down at his touch and slowly up at him with narrowed eyes. With a cold voice, she demanded, "Let go."

Swallowing, Hollis dropped his hand instantly. He had this strange feeling that if given the chance, she really would kick his ass.

"Alright, you two," Ana said, trying to keep the mood easy. "Let's make a snowman."

Hollis rubbed the back of his neck and pursed his lips into a thin line. "I don't really do that anymore..."

"Alright, but you'll miss out on the fun." Ana grinned, ushered Nova forward to a fresh patch of snow, and began instructing her on making a snowball and how to roll it across the snow to make it bigger.

They began working on the middle when the base was so big they couldn't push it. Hollis stood on the edge, watching them work. He occasionally took a step toward them and then brought it back. He wasn't a child anymore; he couldn't partake in it...could he? In five short years, he'd no longer be a teenager. Hollis couldn't possibly...Nova's contagious giggle broke him from his thoughts, and he couldn't help but smile as she jammed twigs into the snowman's sides. One arm was far shorter than the other, but she seemed wholly content.

"I can go get a carrot for the nose..." Hollis offered.

They turned to him with smiles, and Ana nodded, "That's a brilliant idea!"

Nova watched Hollis disappear into the palace, wearing a smile. "Hm," she sighed happily, looking over the frozen land. Movement caught her eye in the treeline ahead. She tilted her head to the side before grinning wide. "Ice bear!" Nova took off at a full sprint across the icy landscape.

"Nova!" Ana called after her, but Nova ignored her as she tore across the space between her and the trees where she would find an ice bear alive and well.

"Oh no..." Hollis said as he stepped outside, dropping the carrot where he stood. "We can't let her get to the trees. The wolves hunt in packs."

Together, Ana and Hollis ran after Nova. Hollis was much faster, trying to use that to his strength, but he wasn't as agile as Nova. While she sprinted and caught her balance easily, he nearly face-planted multiple times.

Ana was lucky to still be on her feet. "Nova!" She called after her, panic settling in her chest as she watched her disappear into the tree line. Please. Please. Please. Ana silently prayed.

Nova searched for signs of a large animal nearby as she skidded to a stop under the shadows of the trees. She frowned when she couldn't seem to find any large paw prints, or even small ones for that matter.

"Oh!" She grinned and kneeled in the snow to take a closer look at the track her eyes danced over. Tilting her head, she studied it but frowned. Well, that's not very important. It was a boot print. Lifting her head, she realized it wasn't one bootprint. It was multiple, and they led deeper into the forest.

Standing to her feet, Nova started forward with quiet steps, listening to her surroundings—alert and ready. Winter cardinals sang in the trees, and the needles dropped with the tiniest thud. She stopped mid-step as a new sound touched her senses.

The crackle of a fire.

A few yards further and, sure enough, a small campsite had been set up, complete with a tent covered in thick animal skins. Peering around the little setup, Nova frowned. It seemed utterly unoccupied. Moving to the fire, she stared at its licking flames, wondering what was in the pot of black sludge, when a sudden snore ripped from the tent.

Lowering herself into a crouched position, Nova narrowed her eyes at the man lying inside the little shelter under piles of blankets. Curiously, she inched her way toward the tent.

"Nova!" Hollis whisper screamed. She looked over to see him waving his hands, gesturing for her to come back. He whispered even quieter. "You don't know who that is!"

Turning her attention back to the man...No, three men were crammed inside the sleep quarters. Tilting her head, something fluttered in her peripheral. Just inside the lip of the tent was something leather-bound. The front cover was inscribed with a glittering gold.


Oh, she wanted that. Desperately. Biting her lip, she inched closer.


One of the men in the tent turned over in his sleep and stopped snoring. All was quiet except Nova's erratic heartbeat. She waited and watched, listening intently. When the man began snoring again, she took another few baby steps and gingerly reached into the tent. Her hand was mere inches from the face of one of the bearded men, but that didn't stop her from carefully lifting the leather treasure and bringing it to her chest. She hugged it tightly.

"Got it!" Nova shouted. She clamped a hand over her mouth as one of the men sat up in the ten with bloodshot eyes. Swift as a fox, she slid to one of the trees and hid behind it. Hollis moved at the same time she did and looked at her with a wide, fearful gaze.

Ana stepped into the campsite, winded as she clutched her side. "No-" Her eyes widened as three men crawled from a small tent. They were tall and broad...soldiers. They were bundled in thick clothing; Ana couldn't distinguish where they'd come from. She swallowed and lifted her chin. Using her strongest voice, she said, "Are you from the Winter Court?"

One of them chuckled deeply, "No." He said as his lust-filled gaze grazed over her body. "Not what I've been craving, but I guess you'll do." The other two chuckled.

Ana took an immediate step back as immediate, potent fear laced her mind. Before she could even think, Nova dove before her with a snarling lip curl, placing herself between Ana and them.

The man who had been looking at Ana like she was a meal opened his mouth to speak with sudden enthusiasm when his eyes widened with fear.

Hollis continued to hide behind the tree.

Ana watched as the men's expressions changed from predator to prey, their eyes turning completely black right before her.

"I can't see!" One of them shouted, reaching for the hilt of their blade. He swung out blindly, swiping his partner on the left, who angrily cried out and retaliated swiftly with a dagger of his own.

Nova snatched Ana's hand and beckoned Hollis to follow before their vision could return. They took off at another sprint; this time, Nova made sure they kept up while continuously looking over their shoulders to ensure the men didn't follow.

Panting, they practically slammed into the back door of the kitchens. Trembling with cold and the ache of their muscles, they leaned against the counter to catch their breath.

Eventually, Ana raised her head and swallowed harshly. "Come on." She didn't wait for them to follow as she strode toward the dining hall where they were likely readying for lunch.

Smashing through the doors, tufts of her hair had come undone from her proper bun, and she didn't bother to smooth anything out as everyone jumped to their feet, suddenly alert.

"Men in the woods..." Ana breathed before they could utter a word.

Azriel rushed to her just in time to steady her trembling frame. Jaw clenched, his eyes searched her, but Ana couldn't focus as Nova and Hollis entered, all eyes turning to them.

"I-" Hollis started, but Kallias cut him off.

"You were told to stay away from the forest. We trusted that you would listen. It is not...safe." His father's icy gaze of disappointment was somehow even worse than the guilt he already felt.

Hollis choked on silence and looked down at the floor, frozen in his spot as shame flushed his face. Then, Viviane stepped forward and took Hollis gently by the shoulder.

"Come, we don't need to discuss it here." She said, guiding her son away from the Night Court's eyes, but none of them were watching Hollis. All eyes had settled on Nova.

Nova pursed her lips and offered a grin, but none of them returned it. Her smile dropped, and she sighed.

"I think the visit has... regrettably come to an end," Kallias said, voice firm and cold.

"Kallias, we're so..." Feyre began.

"I know," Kallias swallowed and looked at the, "I know you are, but I can't risk my son's safety. I won't. With all due respect, you need to leave. Now."

Rhysand clenched his jaw and nodded slowly. "I can respect that."

There was no room for argument—how could they? Nova had proved time and time again that she could put not only herself but also others in danger.

"I hope Hollis is okay," Feyre said through a strained voice.

Cassian ground his jaw and looked at Kallias eye to eye. "If there's men you don't have stationed in your forest, we can help secure it..."

"We'll take care of it," Kallias responded, voice detached.

Feyre spoke before Cassian could get a quip in, "We understand."

They left together, Ana looking sickly pale as they crossed the front lawn. "I'm going to take Ana home," Azriel said gruffly before shadows gathered, enveloping them both before disappearing completely.

Rhysand frowned down at his daughter. "I truly...don't know what to do, Nova." He rubbed his jaw as she stared up at him with a furrowed brow.

With a resigned sigh, Nova pulled the prized treasure she'd scored from the tent and withdrew it from her jacket. She held it up to him as a peace offering.

"Nova," Feyre sighed, "Did you take this from the house?"

Nova shook her head and said, "The tent."

With a frown, Rhys picked up the journal and turned to the first page. He skimmed the page and froze before a slow, wide grin took the place of his frown.

"What is it, Rhys?" Feyre asked, looking up at him. "Rhysand?"

"It's a journal," he murmured, flipping through the flimsy pages, "They're recordings of Hollis. His daily habits and routines..."

Feyre cringed. "What?!" A gurgle in her stomach threatened to return her breakfast.

"Why are you smiling?" Cas asked brows furrowed.

Rhys held the book and waved it, "It's from the Autumn Court."

Brows raising, Feyre's jaw dropped as she placed her fingers to her mouth.

With a smirk, Rhys nodded, "We have tangible proof Beron is trying to steal Hollis and Nova. We can take this to the other Courts."

"Sweetheart," Vivane pressed a cool rag against the back of Hollis' neck as he gazed out the window, watching Nova on the front lawn. "You should eat something. At least drink..."

Tears brimmed his eyes as he watched Nova frowning up at her parents.

"Hollis?" His mother asked softly, squeezing his shoulder.

"They were going to hurt them," he said in a shaky voice as the tears rolled down his cheeks, "And...I hid."

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