48 Hours a Day-Chapter 1247: That Thing

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Chapter 1247 That Thing

“After Mr. Tam finished speaking, the group of US looked at each other, but none of us volunteered to go down. Although we didn’t know what exactly was hidden in the ruins below, we could feel a strong discomfort just by looking at it through the ice, let alone going deep into it. The monster we bumped into previously on the ice field might be its nest below. If I had a choice, I would turn around and run, but the rest of the ex-soldiers were watching us.

I knew that if I ran, they would pull out their guns without hesitation, not to mention that Mr. Tam was right beside me. Even the monster was no match for him, i didn’t think it was impossible for me to escape from him. Seeing that we were all silent, Mr. Tam’s face gradually showed impatience. At that moment, the Chinese couple spoke again, one of the women said, “Let’s go down.”.

“When the rest of us heard this, we were all stunned. I didn’t expect that someone would actually volunteer. I originally thought that in the end, we would use the method of drawing lots to choose an unlucky person. Mr. Tam appeared very happy. He gave them a thumbs up and repeatedly praised them. The doctor and I looked at each other. I knew that it was time to make a choice.

“Personally, I don’t want to go down to the city under the ice, but among us, besides Mr. Tam and his men, only the Chinese couple seems to have some secrets about the ruins. Since they volunteered to go down, does it mean that the place down there is not as dangerous as we thought.

“On the contrary, staying up there seems to be a relatively safe choice, but we have already helped Mr. Tam find his destination. In other words, we are no longer of any use to him. Will he kill us all to prevent us from talking nonsense when we go back?”?

“My Heart is in a fierce struggle, and in the end, I decided to continue following that Chinese couple. Because the stone they gave us previously proved to be very useful, and I also want to believe that they still have a way to tide over the difficulties, so I pulled the doctor along and told Mr. Tam that we should go down too.

“Both Mr. Tam and the Chinese couple were surprised, especially the man in the Chinese couple, and urged us to reconsider, saying that there might be some unexpected dangers down there, that he and his wife were willing to take the risk because, after weighing the odds, they had a better chance of survival than we did, and that their research did have some bearing on the city down there, which, he said, would help us know where they came from.

“I didn’t know what it meant, and the Doctor translated it for me, and I didn’t know if there was anything missing. In fact, I only cared about the first part of the sentence, which was that he said he and his wife had a higher chance of surviving if they went down, and that’s why I decided to follow them in the end.

“When they saw that we had made up our minds, they stopped trying to persuade us. Mr. Tam, on the other hand, couldn’t wait for more people to go down and help him get that thing. When he found out that we were willing to join, the smile on his face couldn’t be hidden any longer. After that, he let the ex-soldiers cook and let us have a good meal. After we finished eating and packed our things, he drove the others aside, leaving only the five of us.”

“I asked him what you wanted us to get. He said that he didn’t really know. Although he had done some research before, there were too many targets. He didn’t know what was taken down, but he said that we would know when we saw that thing because it was the only thing in the city that didn’t belong there. He also warned us not to go to the palace in the center of the city no matter what.”

It was unknown whether it was because the alcohol had subsided a little, but fear reappeared in Sachus’eyes. As for Songjia, she was completely captivated by his story. When she saw Sachus stop, she immediately asked, “What did you take out from the city under the ice?”

Sachus took a deep breath, “A baby boy, about two years old. We found him on a building that looked like an altar. It was not far from the huge palace. At that time, there seemed to be some strange ritual going on there. Fortunately, no one else was there, but I will never forget that strange scene. The baby was connected to a huge tentacle through the umbilical cord, as if it was absorbing nutrients from it. The owner of the Tentacle had a body that was as huge as a mountain, but it was lying quietly in the huge palace in the center of the city, which was where Mr. Tam warned us not to go.

“We couldn’t see what it looked like. We could only see a pitch-black outline. The doctor and I looked away after taking a look, but we still felt extreme fear. We just wanted to crawl on the ground. “One of its tentacles reached out of the palace and hugged the baby boy tightly. It was as if they were born as one.”

“To be honest, I don’t want to touch that thing on the umbilical cord at all. Although it does look like a human baby boy, its body is intact and there are no abnormalities, and it still has a heartbeat and breathing, but like the other things here, it also makes me feel disgusted and afraid from the bottom of my heart. and through the umbilical cord, I can clearly see that its blood circulation is also connected to the owner of the Tentacle, which means that its body also has the blood of the monster.

“If I had a choice, I would just walk away. But because of Mr. Tam’s instructions, I had to endure the discomfort in my heart and go forward to pull him off the tentacle. The process was easier than I thought. I didn’t even need to cut the umbilical cord, because the other end of the umbilical cord was a spike-like thing that was inserted into the Tentacle’s body. The connection between the two was only imitating the fetus and the mother, but it was not really as strong as the fetus and the mother.

“I pulled him off and stuffed him into my bag before running back. After running for less than 20 meters, I heard someone calling me from behind, telling me to stop. The woman of the Chinese couple came over and touched the baby’s chest and nose, saying that we had to go back because the baby’s condition was very bad after leaving the tentacles. His heartbeat and breathing were getting weaker and weaker. If this continued, there was no way he would be able to return to the ground alive.”